Each delegation will be comprised of an NPC Delegation Head and 16 members. Those 16 will be the PCs for that clan+a number of NPCs. Some of those NPCs will be generated by you in the form of Sworn Enemies, True Loves, or interesting backstory characters, where others will be made up by us.
Crab Clan
1. X
Crane Clan
1. X
Dragon Clan
1. X
Lion Clan
1. X
Phoenix Clan
1. X
Scorpion Clan
1. X
The Delegations
The Delegations
GM * Man of Angles * Sionnach * Scealai * Hamanri's Vessel
A light wind swept over the corn, and all nature laughed in the sunshine.---Anne Bronte
A light wind swept over the corn, and all nature laughed in the sunshine.---Anne Bronte
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