The Delegations

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Daidoji Sae
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Re: The Delegations

Post by Daidoji Sae » Fri Dec 27, 2024 9:48 pm

Daidoji-ke no kashin Miyahara Sae

Gender: Female
Occupation: Emerald Magistrate
Age: Early 30s
Marital Status: Widowed, Betrothed
Height: 5'10”
Build: Lean
Eyes: Grey
Hair: White, Long and Unbound.

Sae is everything the Daidoji tell the world they want to be, honourable, principled, respected, capable. But for all that the broader family has been forced by circumstance to be more: merchants, spies, scouts, assassins.

Now in her early 30s a decade and a half of hard work has paid off with promotion to the esteemed ranks of the Emerald Magistrates, a lofty position, but one that deep down she worries was given more for her clan allegiance than ability. One day Sae hopes to prove any doubters and herself wrong.

As heir to the Miyahara family her engagement was organised early to a promising young Asahina courtier by the name of Keiji. Although the two were like chalk and cheese the match soon bloomed into one of affection, if not love. When Keiji was slain by a drunken bandit during a confrontation he was attempting to de-escalate it hurt Sae deeply. She has remained unmarried since, although time has started to dull the hurt somewhat as a new marriage has been organised with Keiji's family.

Now invited to the Winter Court as part of the Emerald Magistrate contingent she is hoping to bring honour to her family, improve her skills and, if everything goes well, perhaps even relax (ever so slightly, maybe only the once).

  • Lawwoman- Sae is an Emerald Magistrate and seems a straight shooter, she would always lend her support to an honourable cause, particularly if someone is being victimised by the law.
  • Swordswoman- A trained warrior, this Daidoji is unafraid to risk themselves in a fight, if you need an extra blade, reach out, but be mindful of the above caveat.
  • Chill Bill - Sae would welcome the opportunity for some sensible recreation, particularly anything unusual or new.
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Crane Emerald Magistrate House Miyahara Straight-Backed Lawgiver Well-Known Betrothed All Over Again

Honour: Exceptional/Glory: 6.9/Status: 5/Influence: 5

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Kitsu Sayomi
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Re: The Delegations

Post by Kitsu Sayomi » Sat Dec 28, 2024 3:05 am

Kitsu-ke no kashin Tatsukawa Sayomi

Age: 21
Gender: Female
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue-grey
Height: 5’6”
Build: Wiry
Profession: Bushi stationed at Kyuden Ikoma, local small celebrity
Marital Status: Available

The bearer of the sword Yorukaze is a bit of a local celebrity at Kyuden Ikoma. Some say her Kitsu-blood allowed her to see through the darkest of night to spot an assassin, and that the honor of a thousand ancestors cut down that assassin when she drew her sword.

Whatever the exact details, Kitsu Sayomi is a well-liked presence in the castle grounds. Always friendly, she is very dedicated and known to be quite the idealist of living up to the expectations placed upon those of the samurai caste. If it's the pursuit of bugei skills, study of a wide range of topics, or artistic attempts, Sayomi is always giving it her all and aspires to be like her Clan Champion in many aspects. The Crane and Phoenix don't hold a monopoly on art and knowledge after all!

While Sayomi is not the most bulky of Lion samurai, she possesses the wiry strength of an archer. Some of her muscle mass has been lost after being bedbound a good while after stopping a would-be assassin that struck her with a poisoned blade, leaving her weaker than she used to be. But while she is weakened now, her smile and good spirits have not been diminished at all.

Word is that while she is the heir to the House of Tatsukawa, the matchmakers of the Lion have looked at the options of marrying her out of the clan. Hopefully this winter court if she impresses.

  • Are you a local to Kyuden Ikoma? Sayomi has been stationed here for a couple of years and has earned a lot of good will and popularity!
  • In need of an honourable sidekick? Sayomi is willing to help the cause of the Greater Good of the Empire (and the Lion Clan)!
  • Enjoyer of fine arts or just like to talk about tropical fish? Sayomi loves poetry, courtly games, and can hold conversations on a wide range of topics. Maybe over a cup of tea!
Kitsu Sayomi
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House Tatsukawa location
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Lion Clan • House Tatsukawa • Bushi • Idealist • Warrior Poet • Darling of Kyuden Ikoma • Cinnamon Roll
Honour: A Soul Above Question • Glory: 5.8 • Status: 1.0 (2.0) • Influence: 4
Has: Daisho (with the sword Yorukaze), small statue of ancestor, origami paper, fan, scent of hinoki wood (carried in a scented sachet)

"Oh, for a voice like thunder; And a tongue to drown the throat of war. When the senses are shaken and the soul is driven to madness, Who can stand?" - William Blake

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Yogo Kiuchi
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Re: The Delegations

Post by Yogo Kiuchi » Sat Dec 28, 2024 4:03 am

Yogo no kanshin Itoh Kiuchi

Gender: Male
Occupation: Merchant/Shugenja
Age: 22
Marital Status: Single
Height: 5' 9”
Build: Average
Eye: Brown
Hair: Black

Itoh comes from a fairly old, if often uneventful Yogo bloodline. What events have happened, is rarely talked about. The have proven themselves capable merchants, and in the last few generations, fantastic breeders of dogs. Beyond that, they are quiet family with no grand tales of betrayal typical of Yogo lineages.

Kiuchi was the second child of the head of the House and his Lion wife. While his father was distant, he was close his mother and older sister. He adored his sister above all. Then one day the siblings went into the woods, and only Kiuchi came back missing an eye and covered in blood. The amount of blood was too much to be from his wound alone. His sister's body was found where he had left it, and the men he accused of being her killers were executed by his father before dawn. But that didn't bring his sister back. Nor did it dampen the hate in his mother's eyes.

Rumors have followed him ever since then. Some accuse him of killing his sister and cutting his own eye out to frame some poor men who were just traveling by. Some say he hired them, and they cut him in a payment dispute. Others say they cut his eye to make it look like he was attacked too. More stories abound. Some simpler. Some even more outrageous. But they all agree. He murdered his sister. Few in the lands of Itoh don't doubt that truth. Kiuchi does not respond. He does his duty overseeing the Clans trading operations and spends time in the kennels when can.

Recently, he has struck up an unusual relationship with the Yogo daimyo. The daimyo seems to like the young man (poor bastard). It was him who got Kiuchi a place at Winter Court and has put him forth as a marriage candidate to secure an alliance. Kiuchi is appreciative to his lord.

Plot Hooks:

- Do you like dogs? Maybe you have heard of House Itoh.
- His mother was a Lion before marriage and keeps in contact with her family. Maybe you are distantly related (or even cousins).
- If you've been around Scorpion lands, particularly the lands of the Yogo Family, you might have heard of the ambitious child who murdered his sister in cold blood to take her place as heir.
- Before his daimyo interfered, his mother had been trying to get him married. Maybe spousal candidate was a family member or even you. Though none of the potential matches took hold as his mother always found some reason to deny the marriage (or give the other family a reason to back out). Her reasons are unknown.
- He has recently often been seen in the company of the Yogo daimyo. If you have dealings with the head of the Yogo Family, it's possible you have met Kuichi at court.
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House Itoh Territory.jpg (237.63 KiB) Viewed 3030 times
Last edited by Yogo Kiuchi on Tue Dec 31, 2024 4:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
Scorpion Clan * Yogo Family * House Itoh * Heir * Merchant * Shugenja * Ward * (Future) Kennelmaster

Status: 1.0 - Influence: 2.0 - Infamy: 1.0 (Rumors of murdering his sister as child in order to become heir, how and levels of depravity vary)

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Shiba Ryusei
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Re: The Delegations

Post by Shiba Ryusei » Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:50 am

Shiba-ke no kashin Shigi Ryusei

Gender: Male
Occupation: Bushi, with an emphasis on staff officer duties
Age: 19
Marital Status: Single and looking
Height: 5'10”
Build: Lean
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black, Long and Unbound.

Ryusei is the heir to House Shigi, a House with more prestige than assets for the last couple of centuries.

A promising young officer, Ryusei is... kind of a nobody. Certainly, he has no major accomplishments behind him, and sober observers have to wonder what he's doing at the Imperial Court.

After all, you don't need to go to the Imperial Court simply to obtain the services of a nakodo.

More astute observers, or simply those who have had the misfortune of meeting Ryusei's father, Kuroda, note that the son has every single bit of the charm, grace, and tact that his father lacks, and his presence might simply be a way to acknowledge the influence still wielded in the Shiba provinces by House Shigi without burdening the court with a one-legged misanthropic alcoholic.

Whatever the case may be, Ryusei is part of the Phoenix delegation, and hopes to represent himself, his House, and his Clan to the best of his abilities.

  • Unwed Heir- Ryusei is Heir to House Shigi. As such, he won't be marrying out of the Phoenix Clan. But it also means he needs a wife, to continue the bloodline. When it comes to a husband, you could certainly do worse... apart from the fact that House Shigi is something of a basket case.
  • Unwed Siblings- Ryusei has a younger brother and younger sister who are both also on the marriage market... and they can be married out of the Clan.
  • Swordsman- Ryusei is a capable enough bushi- those who think of him as simply an army bureaucrat will be disabused of the notion on a hurry if push comes to shove.
  • Go Aficionado- He's hardly world-class, but Ryusei enjoys the game of Go, and would cheerfully teach anyone who wants to learn, or hone his abilities against established players.
  • Ikoma Mother- Ryusei's mother, Kirahime, was born an Ikoma, and as such, he has fairly fond impressions of the Lion Clan on the whole.
  • Widely-Read- A Phoenix son of an Ikoma mother, Ryusei has broad if sometimes shallow knowledge of nearly every topic imaginable.
  • Ambitions- Ryusei doesn't want to inherit a complete disaster of a House, and is very much interested in reversing the fortunes of the Shigi. Anyone who can help there will get a favorable audience...
Last edited by Shiba Ryusei on Sun Dec 29, 2024 12:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
Shiba Ryusei * Bushi * Heir to House Shigi * Blessed by Benten * Sage * Tactician * Blissfully Betrothed
Status: 1.0 * Influence: 3 * Glory: 4.5

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Asahina Minase
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Re: The Delegations

Post by Asahina Minase » Sat Dec 28, 2024 4:53 pm

Asahina-ke no kashin Tani Minase

Age: 20
Gender: Female
Hair: White
Eyes: Left - Cerulean Blue, Right - Azure Blue
Height: 4'11"
Build: Slender
Profession: Artisan crafter of the finest ornamental umbrellas
Marital Status: Available, to one with the proper bearing and position.
Did you see her eyes??? Oh forgive me Doji-no-Kami, but that child is cursed. First born in the pitch black in the middle of the thunderstorm that destroyed the north tower and now this? They should send her away to the Brotherhood and never mentiuon her again!

Asahina Iwe, just before permanent reassignment as junior under-secretary to the Crane envoy to the Badger Clan lands.
Asahina-ke no tashin Tani Himeji-san,

Thank you for your gift and inquiry you recently sent. The bonsai will make a fine addition to my meditation garden. It will sit just beside and half a handspan behind that gifted me by Asahina Junpei-sama himself.

As for your niece, Sakura-san, she continues to progress and even, if I may be so bold, excel at the art she has chosen. Next month when she takes her adult name I will be proud to display one of her sōshoku-yō kasa proudly amongst the pieces created by my most gifted students. I would advise you use her skills sparingly and for patrons chosen with great care. I sense a great career in service to our clan in her future.

Chop of Kakita Wakana, Master of the Kakita Painting Academy
No, no, no, no, NO! This will not do. I don't want some shoddy knockoff made on a street corner, you fool. I want a true Asahina Minase work. Anything else just will not do for the Daimyo's chambers. You expect me to show up with a bedraggled piece of paper and half split wicker like that? Do you think I was born yesterday?
No. Good, then go back into your storeroom and find me the genuine deal, like the ones the Cranes castles have on their walls or I'll be sticking that sub standard effigy somewhere very painful for you.

Yasuki Tamazako, aggressively negotiating with one of her Factors
As your vision pans across the room, you settle on a child, no not a child just a rather short woman. Her clothes are immaculate, as befits one of the Crane. Her accessories are equally so. Her umbrella is exquisite but looks like even a light shower might shred it, or bright sunshine cause it's vibrant colours to fade it is so delicate. On moving closer her voice is confident and musical. Only one thing mars the picture of Crane excellence, her mismatched eye colours.
Crane Clan * Artisan ☂️ Famous Crafter of the finest Ornamental Umbrellas ☂️ Voice 🎵 Cursed Eyes * Small
Honour Exceptional * Glory 6.0 * Status 2.0 * Influence 3.0
Avatar by 雲小猫

“The object of art is not to reproduce reality, but to create a reality of the same intensity.”
Alberto Giacometti

"My family makes ornate umbrellas that block neither rain nor shine. Their sole purpose is for decoration upon a wall."
Xingqiu, Genshin Impact

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Asahina Hoshiko
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Re: The Delegations

Post by Asahina Hoshiko » Sun Dec 29, 2024 6:13 am

Asahina-ke no kashin Yamada Hoshiko

Gender: Female
Occupation: Priestess and presumptive heir
Age: 20
Marital Status: Unwed
Height: 5'6”
Build: Sturdy
Eyes: Blue-grey
Hair: White all the way to the roots

In appearance, Hoshiko is a solid presence, a bit taller than average and sturdy enough that her favored element doesn't seem likely to blow her away. Well-made clothing of rich fabrics speaks to the success and influence of her small House. Her colors trend to somber black, dark grey, deepest blues with tasteful embroidery. Her ever-present satchel is tidy and well-made of midnight blue canvas, with a cleverly carved wooden catches.

Short-cropped white hair is worn mostly loose, possibly because it's a bit short to braid up, possibly for the entertainment of the air kami, judging by it's frequent sway absent any other breeze. Small, finely folded origami offer spots of color dangling from a few small hair clasps.
My thanks for your counsel and advice during our conversation at Lady Mariko's moon-viewing this past spring. After the offerings and prayers you suggested, I am sure I felt the guidance of my late grandmother in the negotiations for my son's betrothal and appropriate support for the new couple's start as caretakers of Suitengu's shrine on our ancestral lands. I plan to detour on my way north this spring and hope we may meet again.

-excerpt of a letter from Daidoji-ke no kashin Katsuragi Tanaka
Nah, nah, there's not a spot of hair dye or bleach in the house! She was born with that hair. I should know. Only my second birth to assist at. I'd just apprenticed to old Keiko that year...much younger Keiko then! I was so nervous to be called to Lady Yamada's bedside...Jizo care for her soul...but Keiko was cool as could be, even with all the signs.

That hair, and missing the last finger of her wee right hand. What? Didya think she chopped it off! Nah. Just another mark, I'm tellin' ya. Fourth child and her da' a fourth as well. Babe was marked by death from the start, no need to think her driven to Emma-O when her brothers and sister died.

Really thought that last one was going to make it to his wedding though. Poor Lord Yamada, it's hard buryin' so many.

Overheard at the spring market beneath Yamada tower


--Have you heard the good word of Emma-O? Mostly that he's tired, overworked, and would rather not hear from you. His clerks, however...
--Are you a coward who's afraid of Crane cooties? You say you're not? Prove it!
--Khajiit has wares... er, wrong game. But wheeling and dealing and trading of favors is what winter court is about, so let's have some very indirect conversations to avoid seeming like common fishmongers and see if we can figure out mutually beneficial non-Commerce trading.
--Are you a reincarnated soul? Do you expect to be? Do you care to discuss either end of that circle?
Crane 💀 Shugenja 💀 House heir 💀 Artist 💀 Friend of the Court of Emma-O
Honor: High * Glory: 4.0 * Status: 1.0 * Influence: 4.0

Profile *House Yamada

“Anyway, if you stop tellin' people it's all sorted out afer they're dead, they might try sorting it all out while they're alive. ”― Terry Pratchett,

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Akodo Myorin
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Re: The Delegations

Post by Akodo Myorin » Sun Dec 29, 2024 3:48 pm

Akodo-ke no kashin Nariakira Myorin

Age: 20
Gender: Female
Hair: Black
Eyes: Amber
Height: 5’3”
Build: Athletic
Profession: Gunso and Advisor to Lord Akodo Tadahiro of House Nariakira
Marital Status: Available

Though perhaps not the most physically imposing of the Akodo, Myorin still manages to present the sort of stoicism most expect of the Lion’s most tactiturn of families. Her appearance is carefully maintained: hair kept tied back, posture straight, clothing crisp, amber eyes alert to her surroundings, and a daisho present wherever allowed. Add about 5 to 6 inches of height and you have the very visage of the Akodo as portrayed in countless plays and saitires.

When one actually speaks to Myorin much of that illusion of the ideal Akodo disappears. She is surprisingly friendly with a pleasant voice enhanced by clear training in it’s use. Though given the current trends among the Lion and Akodo, perhaps those old stereotypes are quickly growing out of date…

  • An Akodo is an Akodo, if you want to discuss tactics and battles.
  • Need a backup singer for your new band? Myorin has both the natural talent and some training.
  • House Nariakira has a bit of a reputation problem with the Matsu…though the details are probably scarce outside of the Lion.
Lion Clan • Bushi • Tactician • Pleasant Voice • Gunso • Cynical
Honour: Exceptional • Glory: 2.0 • Status: 3.0 • Influence: 1

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Agasha Sanjuro
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Re: The Delegations

Post by Agasha Sanjuro » Sun Dec 29, 2024 8:56 pm

Agasha-ke no kashin Onodera Sanjuro

Gender: Male
Occupation: Shugenja, Diplomat
Age: 28
Marital Status: Married, with children
Height: 5'10”
Build: Lean
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black, Long

Sanjuro is of House Onodera, the last remaining brother of Lord Haruhiko, a house with more assets and faith than prestige in recent history.

Success in working to broker peace and trade that benefits both sides resulted in diplomatic journeys to visit the Lion, Phoenix and Ryoko Owari previously. At first, Sanjuro was looked down upon by other bushi attendees at court for his lack of physical grace. They came to respect his calm demeanor and seeming fairness.

With this first appointment to Winter Court, Sanjuro is looking forward to representing his house to the best of his ability. He looks forward to what will transpire and prays for the right way forward whatever that will be.

• Always willing to listen to your views on faith, whether like his own or different
• Enjoy unusual art? Sanjuro creates custom metalwork pieces for utility and the home.
• Open to observing and learning games
• Well-Read of religious texts, histories of the empire and the emperors
Agasha Sanjuro * Shugenja * Brother to Lord Hurahiko of House Onodera * Diplomat *
Status: 2.0 * Influence: 1 * Glory: 3.5

In all things be mindful, be deliberate, choose wisely

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Agasha Yuna
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Re: The Delegations

Post by Agasha Yuna » Mon Dec 30, 2024 12:23 am

Agasha-ke no kashin Ageki Yuna

Gender: Female
Occupation: Courtier. Librarian. Karo (Advisor) to the Izaku Daimyo
Age: 22
Marital Status: Single. Able to marry out of clan.
Height: 5'3”
Build: Lean
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black, and usually adorned by an exquisite gold headdress, crafted by her goldsmith Uncle, and featuring the Ageki gold

Yuna is the oldest child of House Ageki, but not its heir, for its leadership always passes to a shugenja. Her younger brother is what her parents needed. The heir. As skilled a shugenja as her parents. Her little sister is a shugenja too. It is just Yuna who isn't.

The House has a storied history, dating back to its founding by the kami Togashi as a vassal house to Agasha. Ageki was a student of Agasha, rigorously focused on the study of earth kami and earth shugenja. See viewtopic.php?f=13&t=42&p=892#p892 for more information about the House.

Yuna has an ally in the court. Her uncle Agasha-ke no kashin Ageki Toma is the personal goldsmith of the court's darling and fashion setter Miya Kaiya, the younger wife of Miya Hachi. He's used his connections to arrange for his niece to have a chance at schooling where she could thrive - with the Asako Loremasters.

She competed her training and began working as a librarian in the Izaku library in Heibeisu (a joint Dragon/Phoenix library, run by the Izaku vassal house – her mother’s kin.)

Her sage advice – and appeal to both the Dragon and Phoenix factions - has led to a recent promotion to Karo to the Izaku Daimyo, Lord Shiriko.

And now, an appointment to the Dragon delegation.

- She likes nothing better than scholarly talk about history, the elements, Shinseism, and topics that are new to her. She loves to learn.
- She has a deep respect for shugenja. She wants to know who is a shugenja. She is looking for very talented shugenja to marry her younger siblings.
- If you need gold, her dowry is all about the Ageki gold.
- She likes peace over conflict. She appreciates anyone who helps in that effort.
- There is an as yet unstatted Agasha House with a long-standing rivalry to hers if anyone wants to make a Dragon with a rival vibe.
- She enjoys playing Shamisen, and playing Go.
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Last edited by Agasha Yuna on Mon Dec 30, 2024 1:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
Agasha Yuna * Courtier * Daughter to Lord Koda of House Ageki * Librarian * Karo (Advisor)
Status: 2.0 * Influence: 1 * Glory: 3.6

Shinsei: “Only when you are in the grave will you have nothing more to learn.”

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Doji Hikaru
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Re: The Delegations

Post by Doji Hikaru » Mon Dec 30, 2024 12:50 am

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Doji-ke no kashin Ikehara Hikaru

Age: 17
Gender: Male
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'10"
Build: Wiry
Profession: Bushi
Marital Status: Available, and being actively shopped

Hikaru is the second son of House Ikehara of the Doji, set behind his older sister Amari. The house is relatively recent, a branch of of the current ruling Doji from a generation ago. As such, Doji Ikehara, his father, raised his son to the standards of what he had held as a potential heir but rather than a courtier, Hikaru was instead sent to the Kakita dojo for training. House Ikehara was positioning itself as a small group looking for outsized importance through ties to the current Champion. While not particular strong or fast, Hikaru showed razor sharp reflexes and proved quick with a blade and his wits.. He has recently finished his gempukku and this court is a way to introduce him to the Court. Despite being secondborn and his oldest sister being the official heir, many speculate that Hikaru is
Ikehara’s favorite.

  • Marriage bait (if anyone wants him): As the second child of a recent cadet branch, the odds of inheriting anything are severely limited, with his greatest value being the proximity to the bloodline. As a result, he is likely to be shopped to other Clans in a hope the recent uptick of Crane marriages can continue.
  • Driven to prove himself: Growing up in the shadow of a sister set to inherit, it has been made clear that Hikaru will need to forge his own path in the world, one way or the other. Introduction to Court is as much of an advertisement of his abilities as much as it is a celebration of his family and this might be the best chance he will get.
  • Swordsman: Trained by the Kakita, Hikaru is a quick blade and a duelist eager to prove himself to anyone who dares take their shot. A bit of bulk shows that he's willing to take a hit or two as well.
  • Port Guardians: The Ikehara have established their castle at the mouth of the river by Kiashi Mura, and have invested in a small fleet rather than heavy ground forces. As a result, they are positioning themselves as the caretakers of a secure port to increase their fortunes. Do you want to do business there? Do you want to join in some sea ventures?
  • Warrior Poet: Hikaru's training with the arts was, perhaps not quite as focused as bushi training, but deemed important enough pursue. You might like his stuff, and he will gravitate towards those who similarly care about it.
  • Ambitions: In the short term, he wants to stand out at Court, ideally for his skills as a duelist and arts as a way to prop up his reputation. Longer term, he wants to open up doors that will strengthen House Ikehara and through that either prove himself a worthy heir over his sister, or establish a foothold secure enough to go his own way.
ikehara territory.JPG
ikehara territory.JPG (160.84 KiB) Viewed 3112 times
Crane Clan | Bushi | Duelist | Man of the Performing Arts
Blessed by Benten | Charming Voice | Driven | Flashing Lights are No Fun

Status: 1.0 | Influence: 2.0 | Glory 3.2 | Honour: Exceptional
Carries: Daisho, Sturdy Clothing, Tea Set (daily), Light Armor, Yumi (for planned combat)

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Soshi Eiji
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Re: The Delegations

Post by Soshi Eiji » Mon Dec 30, 2024 3:18 am

Soshi-ke no kaishin Miura Eiji

Gender: Male
Occupation: Storyteller
Age: 28
Marital Status: Recently Married
Height: Average
Build: Average
Eye: Black
Hair: Black

"Soshi Eiji? Ah yes, the infamous knife wielding maniac that terrorized Ryoko Owari Toshi twenty years ago, slashing a bloody path across..."

"No, that's Soshi 'Edgy'"

"Ah, right right...ah yes! The famously intellgent emerald magistrate with the gaijn name that frequently butted heads with the Kitsuki trained Phoenix..."

"No, that's Soshi Edgeworth."

"The lord who ruled over his island province with sole access to it's precious water?"

"Soshi Fiji"

"Soshi....Eiji....the...uh....Ikoma bard.....fourth son of the third sister who recently married into the Scorpion to seal a treaty so minor even a Phoenix loremaster wouldn't get the point?"

"That's the one."

"So.....what more do you want to know?"


Recently married out of the Lion and into the Scorpion.
Likes Sake and Stories.
Hates Poetry.
Scorpion * Ikoma Bard

Glory: 3.3 Honor: Exceptional Status: 2.0

Traditional Clothing, wakizashi, knife, calligraphy set, travelling pack, 5 koku

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Doji Shinnosuke
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Re: The Delegations

Post by Doji Shinnosuke » Mon Dec 30, 2024 7:27 am

Name: Doji-ke no kashin Tanaka Shinnosuke (田中 紳之介)
Gender: Male
Occupation: Actor, artist
Age: 22
Marital Status: Single
Height: 5'8"
Build: Somewhat slim
Eyes: Gray-blue
Hair: White

(Portrait artist: 苏小遇 on Lofter)

One of the Kakita Academy's recent prodigies in the demanding art of masked Noh drama, Doji Shinnosuke (Shin to his intimates) is young, charismatic, talented--and he knows it, though to his credit he's usually not too awful about it. If his fame doesn't yet match his potential, that doesn't worry him. None of the truly great Noh actors have peaked until at least their thirties! He still has plenty of time to perfect his art, but all the same, he's burning with anticipation to be introduced at such an important court.

Shinnosuke is roughly average in height (the better to carry off every sort of stage role, male, female, or other) with a slim-to-average build that still has a bit of the half-grown young animal about it, suggesting he may fill out further in a few years' time. Not much else about his outward presentation could be fairly described as average, however. His voice is likely to be his most memorable characteristic, a naturally enticing tenor trained over years of practice to reach across an impressive range of tones and timbres. He may talk more than he should sometimes, but at least he's pleasant to listen to. And he is handsome, for another thing, with the particular friendly glamour Benten sometimes bestows on her favorite Crane children and a devil-may-care way of smiling that seems to imply, even when mocking, that you are in on the joke. The Noh masters' adage to "move ten parts of the mind but only seven parts of the body"--that is, always hold something suspended in reserve--seems to be bone-deep in him, adding a hint of dramatic tension to the simplest everyday gestures. And, as a graduate of the Kakita Artisan Academy ought to be, he is always turned out in the best refined taste (sometimes in silk fabric from House Tanaka's own workshops).

As the nephew of House Tanaka's current Lady, Shinnosuke is not in line to inherit much beyond his talents and a modest stipend, but he's said to be on close terms with his aunt's children (well, except maybe that little snot Toshio) and much valued by the Lady and her consort.

  • Theater Kid: Shinnosuke has a nearly religious devotion to his art, and the history and legends it retells. He loves to talk about and practice it. (He's also at least conversant with just about every other type of performance.)
  • Courtly Arts: Shinnosuke is a sincere student of most of the other classic courtly arts, from the tea ceremony to poetry.
  • Social Bird: Shinnosuke finds people-watching (and, yes, talking about other people's business) rather absorbing, all the better with company.
  • Like Great-[...]Grandfather: House Tanaka's founder had a reputation for artistic eccentricity (in addition to being a truly awful military leader), although in later generations the House has played it straighter under diminished circumstances--still, if you've heard of them, Shinnosuke might seem an interesting throwback.
Scene from "Hagoromo," Kamisaka Sekka (Minneapolis Inst. of Art)
hagoromo.jpg (23.04 KiB) Viewed 3122 times

Toichi, the Page
A commoner lad of about fourteen, the son of house servants on the tiny Tanaka estate. Toichi has accompanied Shinnosuke for a couple of years and is moderately trained in most tasks a courtier's attendant and body servant would need to handle. He's also learned to manage Shinnosuke's personal collection of props and costumes, and to keep rhythm properly on the kotsuzumi shoulder drum for Shinnosuke's practice--though he never misses a chance to remind fellow servants that this doesn't make him some sort of sing-song boy. He's a very serious and valued retainer who's going to train with the ashigaru next summer!
Fanart from
Toichi.jpg (36.58 KiB) Viewed 3122 times

Haku, the Dog
About Haku not much needs to be said here. He speaks for himself.
Pekingese dog (source lost to the wilds of pinterest)
Haku_dog_smaller.jpeg (32.23 KiB) Viewed 3116 times
Tanaka Shinnosuke • Crane • Noh Actor • Artisan Prodigy • Voice • Glamour
Honor: What's Expected • Glory: 8 • Status: 1 • Influence: 4 • Profile
Everyday equipment: Fine clothing or formal court robes, fan, wakizashi. Small dog. D8 onward: discreetly-carried Kitsu ofuda.

"Precisely because it scatters, a blossom is rare when in bloom. In performance as well, we should, above all, recognize what does not stay the same as the flower." - Zeami, Style and the Flower

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Yasuki Masaki
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Re: The Delegations

Post by Yasuki Masaki » Tue Dec 31, 2024 3:27 pm

Yasuki-ke no kashin Kawagoi Masaki
(安喜家乃家臣 川鯉 雅咲; some write 魔咲 to taunt her)

Gender: Female
Occupation: Court shugenja. Occasional merchant patron (which Yasuki isn’t?)
Age: 24
Marital Status: Single in her mid-twenties and house Kawagoi heir. Quite the conundrum.
Height: 5’3”
Build: Willowy
Eyes: Chestnut-coloured
Hair: Dark auburn, long, usually bound up with a hairpin.

The hearsay
If some word about the heir to house Kawagoi may have reached the wider empire, the stories will probably have told of a polite, soft-spoken, relatively unimportant Asahina-trained court Shugenja. Withdrawn, or even naïve, according to some – quite the contrast to the cunning, to-the-point conventional image that the Yasuki have probably already started to cultivate by the end of the 5th century.

Some of those who frequented courts in and near eastern Yasuki and southern Crane lands in the last four or five years, or the few courts farther north Masaki has attended in that time, may have something different to say. Polite, soft-spoken, even unimportant – all that may hold, and some will even mention an interest In the arts – even if mainly simple ones. Despite all that, some of those who spent longer around her might note the contrast with the wily trader stereotype may not be as stark as one might think.

Some might mention signs of one who’s often wary of others – maybe a scar from the past? Others may assume the soft voice and sheepishness to be a ruse and say she’s the one to be wary of. Which of those versions is true is never quite agreed upon. Maybe both? Or something altogether different?

Given her unimportant position, Masaki’s presence in the Imperial Court may come as something of a surprise – and strongly suggests a good deal of manoeuvring to put her there. Those from the south of the Empire are likely to know who was pulling strings to make that happen. Unlike Masaki, her mother and house head Kawagoi Satomi is a well-known and successful courtier, present in previous Imperial Winter courts herself, and one can easily imagine her interests in sending her firstborn and heir to the main stage.

The fact that Masaki is 24 and unmarried might not be a coincidence as well, although as house heir any plans in that arena come with a number of conditions.

The Hooks:
  • Clutching at straws: Masaki is often seen carrying pieces of straw of different colours and types, and she has a number of straw-plaited ornaments. Maybe you like them? Maybe you want something made for yourself?
  • Burn marks: They are small, discreet and easily covered, but someone particularly perceptive looking while she moves may notice small scar-like marks on Masaki’s right ankle and forearm. Maybe there’s a story there?
  • Fishy business: As the “River Carps”, house Kawagoi is unsurprisingly known for, well, carps – which they send far and wide for ornamental purposes. They’re also well-known for good quality river fish and other foodstuff from the river that cuts through their lands. Maybe you like fish? Maybe you’d like to make an order? Or maybe you’d like to try some sake? …
  • Picky eater? Adventurous eater? - Masaki seems to take an interest in different types culinary traditions and ingredients and often seems excited about new things to try. At the same time, she seems to be *really* careful and meticulous when choosing what to actually eat. What’s up with that?

    The house map - House Kawagoi Lands
Last edited by Yasuki Masaki on Fri Jan 03, 2025 12:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
Crab * House Kawagoi * Courtier * Shugenja
Honour: Untrustworthy * Glory: 8.1 * Status: 1.0 * Influence: 6.0
Profile * House Kawagoi * Art by Tooku
Wears: Traditional kimono, fan, perfume (cinnamon), wicker hat, hairpin.
Carries: Scroll satchel, wakizashi, pouch, calligraphy/straw-plaiting tools.

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Ikoma Honoka
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Re: The Delegations

Post by Ikoma Honoka » Thu Jan 02, 2025 7:50 pm

Ikoma-ke no kashin Kamoshita Honoka
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Height: 5’1
Build: lithe
Occupation: Duelist, courtier
Marital Status: Single
Hair colour: Brown (sometimes has a reddish tint)
Eye colour: Brown

Honoka, only child and daughter of Ikoma Ami, Niece of the Lord Kamoshita, has had a fast rise since appearing on the scene in her first court a few years ago as a young samurai fresh from her gempukku. Given the nickname "The Smiling Blade" by a Seppun who commented that Honoka seemed to be smiling even as she struck her opponent in a duel, the girl has found herself in demand and no matter where she goes almost nobody from any clan has had a bad word to say about her. She's friendly, welcoming, smart and quick with both her words and her blade. However, she is enjoyable to listen to as a storyteller as well.

Still, her invitation to Winter Court even with her rise to fame comes as a surprise with the girl appearing to be at an age that some are still just finishing gempukku at.

  • Honoka is quite well travelled for one so young, having visited courts of clans that neighbour the Kamoshita and the Lion as a whole in the last 2 years. She has spent the last 2 months in Kyuden Ikoma however in preparation for Winter Court
  • An avid storyteller, Honoka enjoys discussing stories and telling stories
  • The Smiling Blade name has been making rounds for around six to twelve months now, can it really be that young girl?
Last edited by Ikoma Honoka on Fri Jan 03, 2025 9:04 am, edited 3 times in total.
Lion Clan * Bushi * Duelist * "The Smiling Blade" * Pretty * Nice Voice * Extremely Confident * Profile
Status: 1.0 | Influence: 3.0 | Glory 5.7 | Honour: Untrustworthy
Carries: Daisho, Fan, welcoming smile, maybe a book

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Matsu Masumi
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Re: The Delegations

Post by Matsu Masumi » Thu Jan 02, 2025 9:19 pm

Matsu-ke no kashin Morikawa Masumi

Age: 20
Gender: Female
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5’7”
Build: Muscular
Profession: Emerald Yoriki
Marital Status: Unwed

Underneath silk trappings of court is a woman bred for violence. No amount of makeup could ever conceal the calluses earned through so much training. Nonetheless she is akin to a compliant house cat, polite enough to not wreck up the place but certainly not affectionate in any sense of the word. Instead of mice, her duty is to hunt down a different sort of vermin: criminals! Is it more terrifying to have a belligerent yoriki eager to break bones or a reticent one who will just as readily do so? Ask them, not her.

For all her strength, she is a runt of the litter. House Morikawa constantly funnels worthy additions to the Lion's Pride. One could say that is why Masumi has devoted more time to beauty and eloquence so that she could distance herself by joining an Imperial Post. Whatever the truth is, her family is rarely a topic of discussion of her choosing.

Despite that, she has also shown no interest in pursuing a marrying into another family. Indeed she has spurned many an attempt to win her favor. At the very least, the rejected do not suffer any reprimands. She simply seems so... aloof about it.

  • If someone breaks the law, then Masumi would break their bones... within reason.
  • Quietude in places of beauty appeals to her much more than bustling court activities!
  • Ordinarily implacable, there are a few topics which would breach her composure.
Lion Clan | House Morikawa | Emerald Yoriki | Quiet... for her Lineage | Marvelous Physique | Flawless
Honor: Exceptional | Glory: 2.0 | Status 2.0 | Influence 1.0

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Daidoji Ryu
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Re: The Delegations

Post by Daidoji Ryu » Fri Jan 03, 2025 3:05 pm

Name: Daidoji-ke no kashin Miyahara Ryu
Gender: Male
Occupation: Bushi, Courtier
Age: 23
Marital Status: Single
Height: 5'8"
Build: Slim
Eyes: Grey-brown
Hair: Black

Ryu is a hard-working and dedicated Crane samurai. He was trained as a bushi, but most of his recent work has been in the courts. While not many would call him "friendly", he is polite, and attentive enough to interpersonal relationship that he manages to have friends. Work friends, anyway.

He is the cousin of the head of Miyahara household, Miyahara Sae, and works diligently to support her in her endeavors. His father was the younger brother of the previous heir, and both his parents served the Crane without special distinction. He also has a younger sister. If you ask him, she's a bit bratty. If you ask anyone else, she's fine.

Ryu's naturally handsome features are slightly marred by the fact that his expression tends towards the dour; at it's worst, he looks some some sort of 'grumpy cat'. When neutral (which does happen sometimes!), or even smiling, he has the classic elegant Crane features. Yes, even bushi know how to moisturize properly in the Crane. He keeps up on the latest court fashions, dressing to fit in rather than stand out, as appropriate for his status.

*Do you have a friendship quota? Ryu does! We can help each other to meet the Mandatory Friend Quota for the season.
*Do you want to wheel and deal? What's wheeling? Ryu... well, he doesn't like to, but he feels like its his job.
*If you want to talk about something Ryu actually enjoys, he's happy(ish) to talk about higher things, such as art, philosophy, or other intellectual things. If NPR were a thing in Rokugan, he'd totally listen to it. He'd skip Marketplace though, sorry Kai Ryssdal.
Crane Clan | House Miyahara| Bushi | Courtier | Benten's Blessing | Hmph
Honor: As Expected| Glory: 3.0 | Status 1.0 | Influence 3.0

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Asako Kenichi
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Re: The Delegations

Post by Asako Kenichi » Fri Jan 03, 2025 5:59 pm

Name: Asako Kenichi of House Ito
Gender: Male
Occupation: Loremaster, bard
Age: 21
Marital Status: Single
Height: 5'6"
Build: Wiry
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black

Kenichi has been a fixture of Kyuden Ikoma for the last 6-7 years, though not entirely voluntarily. He is a hostage from the Phoenix, sent as a result of a bargain made at the end of the Gozoku era, due to his family's involvement. Despite the bad bloodline, he has been nothing but exceptional both in his Phoenix education, as well as a guest in the Ikoma household. Although he is cordial and well liked, it is obvious that no decision has been made on what to do with the young man, so most of his time has been spent at leisure activities, or helping out where allowed.

Although not a prominent member of his House, he does have the ear of Ikoma Ryota, and has received training among the Bards of the Ikoma as a place of honor.

- Does your family and self-esteem suck too? Let's commiserate!
- Kenichi has a wide variety of interests, including History, telling stories, even practicing with the blade to some extent.
- He has 3 unwed sisters (all more important than him). Anyone shopping for some Asako relations?
- Although he has been vacated from his usual lodgings, he still knows the Kyuden quite well. He has not spent any considerable amount of time anywhere else, after all.
Phoenix Courtier * House Ito * Diplomat to the Lion * Prodigy Bard * Beautiful Voice * Black Sheep Hostage
Honor: Exception * Status: 2 * Influence: 1 * Glory: 2
Carries: Sensible clothing, fan, wakizashi, coin purse

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Kitsu Rini
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Re: The Delegations

Post by Kitsu Rini » Fri Jan 03, 2025 9:14 pm

Kitsu-ke no kashin Tatsukawa Rini

Age: 20
Gender: Female
Hair: Dark Red
Eyes: Green
Height: 5’4"
Build: Petite
Profession: Shugenja, Priestess, Witch?
Marital Status: Available

Smart. Honorable. Gifted. Bound for Glory.

All these words and more describe the young priestess of twenty winters, and distant cousin to the main line of the Tatsukawa House, Kitsu Rini. Descended from a line of priests, scholars, and seekers of esoteric knowledge, she has been chosen as part of the Delegation due to her keen intellect and outstanding talent. In fact, she worked as one of the researchers looking through the histories to help find the potential Winds and where the bloodline has led. Though not the main researcher, mind you. Merely part of the team of scholars.

She was just very very good at it.

Rini is something of a bookworm, both professionally and recreationally. Any time new texts came through the Tatsukawa lands, she would somehow make her way to getting copies of anything and everything.

Given her talent, Mystic might, and while not exceptional but noted aesthetic beauty, the Lion are seeking potential marriage arrangements, though more so to bring in to the Kitsu, than marry out her talents.

  • Rini knows a little bit of everything. Given her voracious appetite for reading and work, she can speak on any topic known. If you need to find something out, she might just know what it is.
  • Rini is a prodigious magical girl. Her skills include healing, more healing, and dousing her enemies in water and making them repent.
  • Those that can see the supernatural can see a haunting presence that hangs about her at all times
Lion Clan | Shugenja | Scholar | Famous | Prodigy
Status: 2.0 | Glory 3.0 | Honor: Exceptional
Carries: Wakizashi, Scroll Satchel, Fan

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Kuni Shiori
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Re: The Delegations

Post by Kuni Shiori » Fri Jan 03, 2025 9:28 pm

Kuni-ke no kashin Kuroyama Shiori (栞)

Age: 20
Gender: Female
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 165 cm/5'5”
Build: A bit on the toned side
Profession: Iron Mine Overseer, Medic, Shugenja, Professional People Watcher
Marital Status: Single

Kuni Shiori of House Kuroyama comes from a family of five siblings. Little is known about the House save that they’ve been transplanted from the untamed wilderness of the Kuni lands in the west and brought closer to the heart of Crab Clan lands, closer to the vein of commerce of the Yasuki provinces. The effects of her upbringing there are likely evident to those within the Crab. Much like members of her House, their manner of talking is less curt or blunt compared to the Kuni who reside West of the Crab lands, perhaps emulated from their proximity with the Yasuki. Shiori is often calm and seems to possess a serene temperament, although internally there might be some deliberateness and calculation with each politeness. She speaks with a low and rich soothing tone, a voice that encourages ease and assurance.

As a trained Kuni shugenja, Shiori is seldom without her traditional face paint. Her personal motif seems to lend itself closer toward shadowy shapes than the colourful striking lines used in other Kuni facepaint designs. Her tastes in fashion don't follow closely with recent trends but they are certainly presentable, opting for traditional style in decorative furisode kimono. They are often combined with black hakama, which is apparently a House trademark fashion.

  • In writing, House Kuroyama are Kuni who specialize in mining operations and ore extraction. Not in writing, they are "manage" and wrangle mujina are labourers for mining.
  • They've moved from their home in the Kuni lands to be more eastward. The House now resides closer to the Yasuki and the River of Gold as their current home, where they continue overseeing mining.
  • People are interesting and fascinating, always. Shiori is willing to listen but she will have questions.
Crab Clan • House Kuroyama • Shugenja • Well-Read • Particular Skills • Soothing Voice
Honour: Untrustworthy (or less) • Status: 2.0 • Influence 1.0 • Glory: 5.7 (end of Day 14)

Carries: Fan, Satchel, Jade, Personal Seal, Coin Purse
Description // Art by Joanne Kwan

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Hiruma Daichi
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Re: The Delegations

Post by Hiruma Daichi » Sat Jan 04, 2025 12:53 am

Hiruma-ke no kashin Tetsumura Daichi

Age: 22
Gender: Male
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark brown
Height: 5’9"
Build: Toned
Profession: Bushi, Senior Gunso, Cat Dad?
Marital Status: Available


Daichi is a lot of what you would expect from a Crab samurai, on the taller side for a rokugani, with a toned physique well used to long days of physical activities. Scars are evident his arms from sword practice and various skirmishes over the years and his hands rough from holding weapons. He is a bit better groomed then one might expect from a man used to fighting dark creatures from the depths of the shadowlands though. He dresses well for his stations and duty and puts in more than the minimal number of efforts into his appearance for various reasons. After all, just because you were born in the ass end of the Empire, you didn't have to dress like it. Or at least that's what his mother always said.

The heir apparent to his house he has a lot of expectations to fulfill and tries to approach all his dealings with this in mind. Which could lead one to believe he is more than a little overly serious. He does know how know how to relax though and is most at ease out of the public eye with his family and close friends.

Daichi can sometimes be found accompanied by Nyoko a three-year-old black cat. A regal creature, by cat standards. She views herself as queen of the crab house. Though it is uncertain if her reign will be respected, or if she will have to travel to other locales to get the adoration she truly deserves.


- Do you like cats? Daichi has one.

- At twenty-two marriage is in Daichi's near future. Perhaps something can be arranged?

- As a bushi Daichi is always interested in improving his skills. He also has a interest in learning about the wider empire.
Last edited by Hiruma Daichi on Sat Jan 04, 2025 7:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
Crab Clan * House Tetsumura * Gunso * Bushi * Aspiring Tactician
Honour: What is expected * Glory: 5.7 * Status: 4.0 * Influence: 1.0

Carries: Daisho, Fan, Jade Bracelet, Coin purse, Chop

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