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Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2024 5:28 pm
by Cearnach
dguhl5r-5e946d0c-7f77-4078-a547-f331231550da.jpg (144.85 KiB) Viewed 18 times
A seedy dockyard watering hole, the Old Man's Stump is named for the near-sacred stump in Kyuden Ikoma's Courtyard. That Old Man Ikoma was also a triple amputee by the end of this life has nothing to do with it. Home to the hard-drinking dockworkers, the gamblers, and the action, The Old Man's Stump is also a favorite place for Lion Clan Magistrates to raid when they need to get their stats padded.

The Old Man's Stump is open all night, but closes down so that its overworked bouncers and owner can sleep during the Morning hours.