The Chancellor's acceptance of the request for an Art Festival is received with another deep bow of Masaki's. After the unrecorded incident, the Yasuki's eyes make an effort to find Kitsu Sayomi's and Matsu Masumi's, and polite bows are given to them as well.
Kenji's and Shinnosuke's gifts are observed with interest, and, when an opportunity presents itself, Masaki takes another slow step forward to take the floor, a small pouch on her hands.
"Shiba-ue, as we turn again to artistic offerings, this one would like to present a humble gift as well. It was creataed as a complement to the arguments presented today on strength in unity - though in a form lighter than words could be. "
Opening the pouch, she reveals a chrysanthemum flower - one with multi-coloured petals, on closer inspection made from a variety of shades of straw. The florest in the central disk are almost golden, the innermost circle of proper petals around it imperial green and golden. Around those, the other petals follow a colour scheme based on the Great Clans' traditional colours, arranged in a manner reminiscent of their position in the Empire's lands. A detailed observation shows that the petals in the purple, white and gold tones of the Ki-rin are also present, although carefully covered by others in yellow, brown and other earthy tones.
D2 EA - Making an Offering (assumed to have been made during court, or shortly before?) - Wara-zaiku Chrysanthemum with petals' colours based on those of the seven clans - the Ki-rin's petals present, but carefully covered by other petals - most of them in yellow, brown and other earth-tones. The florets in the central disk are almost golden, and the innermost circle of petals around it imperial green and golden. Seppun-sanctioned effect for +4, VP for +1k1. Base TN 24, 1 Raise called. | 8k5+4 ⇒ 61 (TN: 29)
Court Action 3: Presenting an Offering. Success (Raises don't matter!): 25 Court Points.
(Masaki has 80 total from today, if I'm counting correctly)