Fukurokujin wrote: ↑Wed Feb 12, 2025 8:22 pm
I'll be glad to have you back!
did spur the romance from your side?
Yuna was always designed to want to marry into the Phoenix. Her happiest days were at the Asako Loremaster school and at the joint Dragon-Phoenix Izaku libary.
I wanted to reach out to a Phoenix character before game started and picked Ryusei just because he had a cute profile pic, but not necessarily thinking they were going hit it off.
But their chemistry was electric! The more they talked the more they realized how well they fit together. Ryusei player is a great writer. He paid attention to her, he complimented her, he was interested in topic that interested her, he wrote poems.
And it seemed clear to me that Yuna would rather marry a charming friend than a stranger, so she started pursuing the marriage even before she was head over heels in love. But that didn't take long. Their date praying at all the Fortunes was so beautiful and sweet. She was absolutely smitten.
And the romance made me play the game with a more immersive mindset that her story would continue beyond the last day of winter court, that I was playing a chapter in her life, not a 15-day game.
And I think it is a credit to the game that there was so much whirlwind of plot and trouble around them that it felt right that they would cling to each other all the harder.
Shiba Ryusei wrote: ↑Wed Feb 12, 2025 8:45 pm
Back atcha! It gave me an anchor to the game once Ryusei had run out of deals to broker
Please Fill Out Form Questions Ardent through Mauve, and submit them in triplicate...
1. Did Yuna change much from concept to execution?
2. Biggest curveball the game threw you?
3. Biggest curveball Yuna threw you?
4. PC you missed interacting with that you wish Yuna had logged some time with?
5. Biggest missed opportunity?
6. Given that our characters are head over heels for each other, I can ask this question safely- Who besides Ryusei was Yuna's favorite PC to talk to?
7. Ryusei likewise owed a fair bit- not so much mechanically, but RP-wise- to House results. What was your favorite thing about House Ageki?
8. Coolest moment for Yuna this game?
1. The biggest change was that she became much more balanced Shinteist/Fortunist. And that was entirely because of Seppun Tomaru and Ryusei, and that first scene together, and then their date to honor the Fortunes.
2. Good question! I think it was the D15 court scene. First, the debate was *how* to pick, not *who* to pick. Yuna wasn't prepared for that. She had been researching to defend Tomaru's educational ideas. To defend and celebrate him. But, also, she realized ... it was an incredibly dangerous situation to say anything negative about any candidate. Because they could turn around and become Emperor! It helped her understand why the decision couldn't be easily made. I really believed as the player that the court points were 'Heaven favor points' and that Heaven would reveal the winner with like a big divine halo moment. So she was quite shocked by how it ended. And the Phoenix walking out nearly broke her. She (and I) thought all the deals with the Phoenix were broken and their borders were closing and the marriage was not going to happen. I am grateful the storytellers helped explain to me OOC what it meant.
3. It became important to Yuna to support Seppun Tomaru-sama even if he potentially wasn't going to win the court points game. I think because I assumed court points = Heaven's favor. She needed Rokugan to value a wise Tao-follower. A good compassionate man who cared about people of all stations. She didn't care about the fall-out if someone else won. It wasn't her ambition to be a 'player' at court. She just wanted to do the right thing. As a player, it pushed me to keep fighting. Yuna is braver than me, I think.
4. Oh man, there were so many people I wanted to get to know more. I am incredibly grateful for getting looped in on the Ningi plot, because it gave me a chance to connect more with some great RPers, like Asahina-san and Shiori-san. I think the person I most wished I could interact with but got vanishingly little chance to was Doji-ke no kashin Tanaka Shinnosuke. I can't tell you how much I loved the Noh play event. It was so beautifully done! A great character.
5. From an OOC perspective, she should have posted first at the Magistrate debate pro calling up the Legion and wracked up 100 court point for Seppun-sama. But I didn't realize it was a yes/no debate, and Yuna had her own good ideas about peaceful solutions. I don't regret sharing them. But oh the points that could have been!
I will also say, as a player, I could have been less OOC rattled by the attack on Yuna in court over the Sparrow deal, by the Lion. I should have just shaken it off. There was surely a way to have figured out what the Lion wanted IC/OOC and gotten there faster and with more flexibility and ease on my part. I was really overwhelmed and it felt like an OOC issue that needed an OOC solution and it just got more and more IC and more and more PVP. But that's because I was rattled and not doing a good job trying to get to an OOC solution. I want to handle bumps better next time!
6. An absolute tie for Jihen and Soshi Eiji. Terrific RPers.
7. House Ageki really made Yuna. It was such a clear story in my head. I wrote generations of background, and it all shaped her. It led me to research a lot of interesting background from 1st century. But my favorite thing might be the house mon which I made and probably no one saw. Here linked:
8. Yuna's coolest moment? That is really hard to choose! The romance moments with Ryusei are unforgettable! I enjoyed her hosting and ridiculously detailed menu descriptions and pictures. I was really happy to get all the trades done; that felt like a big accomplishment. Maybe the moment the dice gave me a most needed victory was when she danced the water bucket back to court for Seppun Tomaru. I loved the image of that, and I had been seriously concerned we did not have enough people to get him over the finish line, so it felt amazing to do it.
Adding one more. Amazing RP moment when Yuna talked all about the Hantei III issues, and then the spiritual team said the gaki is Hantei Ningi, and I realized ... Hantei III is Hantei Ningi ... *boom* *mind blown*