One Rule to Rule Them All...

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One Rule to Rule Them All...

Post by Fukurokujin » Sun Apr 07, 2024 7:34 pm

At root, the One Rule is this: don't be a jerk.

The point of this is to have fun telling a story together.

We, the GMs, are doing what we can to help you, the players, have that fun. If something we're doing isn't working, let us know; if we can fix it within the confines of the game and the story, we will.

If something another character is doing isn't working for you, reach out to the player and see what all is going on. Conflict makes stories happen, of course, and it's not the case that all characters ought to be friends, but it also shouldn't be the case that they're all enemies--or that their players are.

If something another player is doing isn't working for you, reach out to the player and see what all is going on. We don't all come from the same background, and things that might work well in one person's experience work far less well in another's. Give the benefit of the doubt when you can.

That said, if you've been reached out to and don't adjust, then we have to think you're being a jerk. There's enough of that in the outside world without having it here. The outside world, we can't do much about; the world of the game, we can--and we will.

Asst GM
"Is that wise?"

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Re: One Rule to Rule Them All...

Post by Cearnach » Sun Apr 07, 2024 8:56 pm

Please pay careful attention to the following points. They contain, in effect, the gm team's limits on how we are willing to run this game. We certainly don't intend to hold the game hostage, but the fact is that we will not want to run a game that is causing a great deal of upset or bad feelings. Some upset we understand is inevitable, but we all know that there is a tipping point that requires action. Therefore, if you find something objectionable in the following points, please get in touch with me immediately in your PF, in Discord, or through pms. If we cannot agree, the best thing is for you to give this campaign a miss.

1) The best advice for getting along in a game is to be pm-ing people about your intentions and then not going back on what you say to them. If you change your mind, check in with your counterpart. If they are uncomfortable about something you are suggesting, first recognize that they are not attacking you. Instead, listen carefully to what they are saying and try to accommodate them. If they suggest something to add to the scene, think carefully about it and respond with what you really think. Don't reject things out of hand, but also be honest if something doesn't feel right. It's not cool to go through with a scene that you know is not going to work. If the best thing to do for you or your counterpart is to walk away from a scene or an idea, then do so.

2) Understand and respect people's limits. Some folks enjoy Romance in these games, for instance, and some folks don't. If a person has indicated a limit in their signature or to you in conversation, do not cross that line. It's just better for everybody if we respect each other in that way.

As an addendum to the limits point, do not be murdering other characters. We will not be stoked if we wake up to pms or a massive flame war developing in OOC chat only to find that someone got killed without having agreed to it beforehand. Retcons will happen, if people are not cool about it there may be bans from the game, and everyone will feel bad. Don't do this.

If tensions are rising between your character and another AND you think it would be appropriate for your character or for another player's character to try to solve their problems with violence, however indirectly, talk over it with that player. Maybe you want your character to be killed. That is legitimate. Maybe the other player is okay with the prospect of their character dying. That, too, is legitimate. The key is consent. If both players agree to the situation, you will both need to send GM Cearnach or GM Fukurokujin a pm explaining the situation and we will probably agree to it, unless circumstances are complicated, which complications we will explain to you in detail.

There are Events that may have combat or damage elements. These are indicated in red in the rules for the event. If you join such an event, you are consenting to receive that damage. Veteran players will tell you that with exploding dice, any damage--even 1k1--can be lethal. You have been warned.

Conflicts with NPCs are a serious likelihood. Certain NPCs we have designed to be extremely difficult to deal with. Others have agendas that will conflict with those of one or more characters. Please understand a couple things:

A) NPCs are characters. Their views do not represent those of the gm team. If we have an issue with something you have done or said, we promise that we will not address it through an NPC. We are going to be talking to you in your PFs or PMs directly and respectfully.

B) If an NPC does something negative to your character, please look on it as a roleplay opportunity. It is absolutely okay from a player perspective to Feud with an NPC. It is absolutely okay to manipulate them. It is absolutely okay to make scurrilous and nasty rumors about them. It is absolutely okay to ruin their lives. It is also absolutely okay to succumb to the NPC, or to be manipulated by them, or to have your character's life ruined. If you are finding something troubling, or want to talk over a plan or get some advice, by all means post your business in your pf. One of us will be along to offer a friendly ear.

3) Do Not Post in Anger
People are gonna do things you don't like or agree with. The best thing to do in that situation is first to gauge how deep your feeling is. If you're only annoyed, then shrug your shoulders and move along. If, however, it is really bothering you and you absolutely have to get it off your chest, then do two things. First, walk away from your computer for a good hour or more. If you still feel like you need to address the situation after that, get in touch with us in your pf. We will facilitate a discussion with the other player. Do not post anything to afk, ooc, or Discord threads about you going through this process. That is to protect you. No one looks good posting in anger.

If you are angry with one of us, please get in touch with one of the others after following the same process. We are going to try to do our best to practice what we preach, but it is a foolish gm that does not acknowledge their fallibility. If we work together and follow this process, we will probably be able to stop things from getting toxic.
GM * Man of Angles * Sionnach * Scealai * Hamanri's Vessel

A light wind swept over the corn, and all nature laughed in the sunshine.---Anne Bronte

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