The Delegations

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Kuni Shiori
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Re: The Delegations

Post by Kuni Shiori » Fri Jan 03, 2025 9:28 pm

Kuni-ke no kashin Kuroyama Shiori (栞)

Age: 20
Gender: Female
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 165 cm/5'5”
Build: A bit on the toned side
Profession: Iron Mine Overseer, Medic, Shugenja, Professional People Watcher
Marital Status: Single

Kuni Shiori of House Kuroyama comes from a family of five siblings. Little is known about the House save that they’ve been transplanted from the untamed wilderness of the Kuni lands in the west and brought closer to the heart of Crab Clan lands, closer to the vein of commerce of the Yasuki provinces. The effects of her upbringing there are likely evident to those within the Crab. Much like members of her House, their manner of talking is less curt or blunt compared to the Kuni who reside West of the Crab lands, perhaps emulated from their proximity with the Yasuki. Shiori is often calm and seems to possess a serene temperament, although internally there might be some deliberateness and calculation with each politeness. She speaks with a low and rich soothing tone, a voice that encourages ease and assurance.

As a trained Kuni shugenja, Shiori is seldom without her traditional face paint. Her personal motif seems to lend itself closer toward shadowy shapes than the colourful striking lines used in other Kuni facepaint designs. Her tastes in fashion don't follow closely with recent trends but they are certainly presentable, opting for traditional style in decorative furisode kimono. They are often combined with black hakama, which is apparently a House trademark fashion.

  • In writing, House Kuroyama are Kuni who specialize in mining operations and ore extraction. Not in writing, they are "manage" and wrangle mujina are labourers for mining.
  • They've moved from their home in the Kuni lands to be more eastward. The House now resides closer to the Yasuki and the River of Gold as their current home, where they continue overseeing mining.
  • People are interesting and fascinating, always. Shiori is willing to listen but she will have questions.
Crab Clan • House Kuroyama • Shugenja • Well-Read • Particular Skills • Soothing Voice
Honour: Untrustworthy (or less) • Status: 2.0 • Influence 1.0 • Glory: 5.7 (end of Day 14)

Carries: Fan, Satchel, Jade, Personal Seal, Coin Purse
Description // Art by Joanne Kwan

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Hiruma Daichi
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Re: The Delegations

Post by Hiruma Daichi » Sat Jan 04, 2025 12:53 am

Hiruma-ke no kashin Tetsumura Daichi

Age: 22
Gender: Male
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark brown
Height: 5’9"
Build: Toned
Profession: Bushi, Senior Gunso, Cat Dad?
Marital Status: Available


Daichi is a lot of what you would expect from a Crab samurai, on the taller side for a rokugani, with a toned physique well used to long days of physical activities. Scars are evident his arms from sword practice and various skirmishes over the years and his hands rough from holding weapons. He is a bit better groomed then one might expect from a man used to fighting dark creatures from the depths of the shadowlands though. He dresses well for his stations and duty and puts in more than the minimal number of efforts into his appearance for various reasons. After all, just because you were born in the ass end of the Empire, you didn't have to dress like it. Or at least that's what his mother always said.

The heir apparent to his house he has a lot of expectations to fulfill and tries to approach all his dealings with this in mind. Which could lead one to believe he is more than a little overly serious. He does know how know how to relax though and is most at ease out of the public eye with his family and close friends.

Daichi can sometimes be found accompanied by Nyoko a three-year-old black cat. A regal creature, by cat standards. She views herself as queen of the crab house. Though it is uncertain if her reign will be respected, or if she will have to travel to other locales to get the adoration she truly deserves.


- Do you like cats? Daichi has one.

- At twenty-two marriage is in Daichi's near future. Perhaps something can be arranged?

- As a bushi Daichi is always interested in improving his skills. He also has a interest in learning about the wider empire.
Last edited by Hiruma Daichi on Sat Jan 04, 2025 7:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
Crab Clan * House Tetsumura * Gunso * Bushi * Aspiring Tactician
Honour: What is expected * Glory: 5.7 * Status: 4.0 * Influence: 1.0

Carries: Daisho, Fan, Jade Bracelet, Coin purse, Chop

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Ikoma Tanji
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Re: The Delegations

Post by Ikoma Tanji » Sat Jan 04, 2025 1:33 am

Ikoma no Suitai Tanji
Occupation: Bushi, Imperial Scribe, Lion Delegate
Age: 24
Marital Status: Married for 2 years
Height: 5'10
Build: Gangly
Eyes: 1 discolored, 1 brown
Hair: Long Black hair which covers one side of his face, unless it doesn't want to

The youngest living child of House Suitai, a house few outside the Lion Clan has heard of. Tanji has dutifully served as a scribe in Otosan Uchi for half a decade now. He has utilized his natural talents in literature and a few key opportunities to find himself a wife who loves him and a place in the Lion Clan embassy. He chooses his fights well, and has been rewarded recently with a ticket to the biggest event the Ikoma Family could host. With little time to prepare, but the tools for the job, can Ikoma Tanji change the fates of his family, his clan, and maybe even the Empire? Only time will tell.

House Suitai Location: 035,027, which is just a few ri to the west of the City of the Rich Frog
Lion Clan *House Redacted? Stoic *Imperial Scribe *Accomplished Poet
Honor: What is Expected Glory: 3.6 Status: 3.0 Influence: 1

Has: Daisho, Calligraphy Set, Traveling pack

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Mirumoto Jinkan
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Re: The Delegations

Post by Mirumoto Jinkan » Sat Jan 04, 2025 4:13 am

Mirumoto-ke no kashin Ito Jinkan

Gender: Male.
Occupation: Bushi and land manager.
Age: Mid-twenties.
Marital Status: Unattached. Available.
Height: Tall.
Build: Uncomfortably thin.
Eyes: Black.
Hair: Black and tied up in a bun most of the time.

The heir to the Ito house is immediately noticeable by the huge scar across his face like he tried to catch a sword between his teeth and missed. The height, slightly darker skin, and deep circles under his eyes tend to draw attention next, followed by the nice silks, expensive hairpin, and jade netsuke. He doesn't strike a particularly imposing figure, looking rather more like a hanger for his clothes than a trained warrior. But those who studied with him can readily attest to his trailer park tweaker bursts of strength as well as an unsettling habit of talking to things that aren't seen.

Jinkan doesn't let such things bother him if he even notices them. He does his best to remain cordial with most everyone he meets, its is just his best is pretty bad. He is excessively rich and the next-in-line to an important jade producing family though so most everything is forgiven even if people talk behind his back. When he isn't wrangling his father and sister into eating actual food, or pretending to read memos, the young bushi likes stacking rocks next to the river or having staring contests with crows.

Likes nature, will talk to rocks and shrubs if there are not animals available.
Lives inside a mountain fortress where they mine for jade. Probably the closest thing to a dwarf that exists in Rokugan.
Sees things that others can't. Or is just nuts. Possibly both.
Can talk about literally anything, very well read.
Dragon • Bushi • Scarred • Wealthy • Incorrigible
Honor: What is Expected | Glory: Unremarkable | Status: Average Clan Samurai |Influence: 2

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Re: The Delegations

Post by Jihen » Sat Jan 04, 2025 7:04 am

Name: Jihen (慈編)
Gender: Male
Occupation: Abbot Aide
Age: 20
Marital Status: Monk
Height: Average
Build: Average
Eyes: Brown
Hair: None

Born under a waning crescent moon, Jihen was given to the Four Temples Monastery as a small child by the Seppun family as the young Abbot Chou-sin began seeking the support of the Imperial families in earnest. Jihen's birth was seen as both a blessing and a test from the heavens by those in his family, for Jihen came into the world with only one arm. The Seppun believed his path lay in spiritual devotion. Despite his physical limitations, Jihen excelled in meditation, philosophy, artistry, and performance... adapting the temple's teachings to suit his body.

Recognizing his brilliance and to better ingratiate himself with the imperial families, the abbot, Chou-sin, took Jihen as his personal aide. Under Chou-sin’s mentorship, Jihen has blossomed into a prodigy of the school. He has mastered many of the sacred texts, developed innovative techniques for the temple’s unique esoteric arts, and became a guiding presence for his peers. Chou-sin and Jihen have developed a strong master-pupil relationship. While Jihen has attended court in the imperial capital, this Winter Court will be his first. Chou-sin has asked him to come and learn of the intricacies of these types of gatherings, and support the Four Temples in their pursuits.

-Resident of the capital and of noble stock.
-Works closely with Chou-sin
-Interested in debate and storytelling.
-An artsy, talky monk.
Monk * Four Temples * Sage * Voice * Prodigy * One-Arm

Status: 0 * Influence: N/A * Glory: 2.5 * Honor: Exceptional

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Doji Arai
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Re: The Delegations

Post by Doji Arai » Sat Jan 04, 2025 1:28 pm

Doji Arai

Gender: Female
Occupation: Bushi
Age: 21
Marital Status: Single
Height: 1.62
Build: Lithe
Eyes: Black.
Hair: Black

Doji Arai is the young Lady of the House Ishimoto. She only succeeded her mother, the most successful daimyo of the Ishimoto in their long history, a few months ago. The young bushi is trained in the Kakita Dueling Academy and she is considered somewhat of a scholar among her peers. She has a knack for commanding troops and taking the right decisions at the right time during a battle. Or so her training has shown as she hasn't so far been tested in a real battlefield. Arai is exceptionally polite and somewhat reserved, but when she opens up, she has a good sense of humor and a warm demeanor.


- Books!
- Unwed and unbetrothed Lady of House Ishimoto
- With unwed and unbetrothed siblings
- Swordswoman and commander
- Loves games
- Interested in art, of course
- The previous Lady Ishimoto, her mother, killed a few Matsu officers in the battle between the Crane and the Matsu not so long ago.
Duelist * Sage * Strategist * Blessed by Benten * Lady of the House Ishimoto

Glory: 3.9
Status: 1.0
Influence: 6.0

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Doji Aito
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Re: The Delegations

Post by Doji Aito » Sat Jan 04, 2025 2:39 pm

Doji Aito

Gender: female
Occupation: Bushi
Age: 20
Marital Status: Single
Height: 1.68
Build: Athletic and slender
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black

Aito is the heiress of the House Ishimoto of the Doji. She is a very talented swordswoman and likes spending her time with her sword and her flute. She is overtalented, confident about her abilities, carefree and rather childish. She is timid and not too social but loyal and trustworthy to her close friends and relatives.

-Very much into arts and sports
-time to find a good marriage
-Likes expanding her horizons and learning new things
Duelist, Flutist, spoiled brat, heiress of Ishimoto, honor: 6.5, glory: 2, status: 1.0, influence: 4.0

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Akodo Kenji
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Re: The Delegations

Post by Akodo Kenji » Sat Jan 04, 2025 7:39 pm

Age: 19
Sex: Male
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown with green flecks
Height: 5’8”
Build: Slim
Profession: Imperial Scribe
Marital Status: Available

Akodo Kenji is a pleasant young man with moderately good looks, long dark hair, and the slightly overly pale skin that suggests too much time spent indoors. Indeed it is rare to catch him without a stack of scrolls or papers, and all too often there is a stray spot of ink or paint gracing a finger or silken hem. Known to his family as “The Young Scholar” Kenji fills that role rather well having been sent to train with the Imperial Calligraphers after his gempukku. He can hold a conversation on most subjects without embarrassing himself, and has the sort of manners that suggest more time spent in the Capital around courtiers than on a battlefield.

  • "That which has interest is interesting." - Kenji knows a lot about many esoteric subjects and is always keen to learn more.
  • "A game of Go, anyone?" - The Empire's premier strategy game is always a good way to pass the time.
  • "The way of the brush and blade." - From one thing, know a thousand things. The Kami gave Kenji a gift, he writes well. Really well.
  • "House full of heroes." - The Kusama are an Old house with a storied history. Perhaps you have heard of them? Perhaps you have a score to settle?
Kusama of the Akodo
Bishamon's Chosen
Guardians of the Western Plains
"The space between grasses."
Location: 041.028 and 042.029

Subordinates: House Harada (040.029)
Lion Clan • House Kusama • Bushi • Scholar • Imperial Scribe • Prodigy • Idealist • Go Champion
Honor: Exceptional | Status: 2.0 | Glory 5.5 | Influence 4.0

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Shosuro Reiko
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Re: The Delegations

Post by Shosuro Reiko » Sun Jan 12, 2025 9:39 am

Age: 21
Sex: Female
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5’2”
Build: Athletic
Profession: Actress
Marital Status: Available

Shosuro Reiko, of House Kishida, is something of a newcomer to this league of courtly goings-on. An actress by training, she has performed at a number of lesser Winter Courts with a particular focus in her repertoire on the works of Crane playwrights. She maintains clippings of particularly favored reviews of her performances, a few of which are reproduced below:

On a one-woman theatrical production:
Shosuro Reiko's production of Doji Risae's Plum Blossoms Upon Golden Sun Bay was enthralling and well-acted, though the young Reiko should do more to stand out from the rest of the cast if she hopes to lead in the future.
On her versatility:
Absolutely one of the best at roles like 'serving girl' or kuroko - wait, is that even a role? By the kami, a play about stagehands. How wonderfully subversive!
Notable Roles:
Scared Villager - Kakita Tomoyuki's Five Winters of Longing
Woman in Background - Kakita Sakura's In the Court of the Crimson Sun
Uncredited Walk-on Cameo - Doji Tomomi's Experimental Untitled Production #4


- Theatre! Share with Reiko your love of plays of all sorts. Come, let us sit upon the ground and tell sad stories of the death of daimyo.

- The nightlife! Reiko is no stranger to afterparties and late evenings. Pass the sake and speak of anything to give reason for another bottle. Have we not heard the chimes at midnight?

- Marriage and the future! To be a wife? Or not to be...? Not even really a question, for Reiko's time cometh soon. A good candidate, perhaps, for as she claims she is as constant as the northern star.
Reiko.jpg (89.77 KiB) Viewed 3710 times
Scorpion Clan • House Kishida • Actress • A Face in the Crowd • Fabulist
Honor: Untrustworthy| Status: 1.0 | Glory 2.7 | Influence 2.0

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Shiba Ryushi
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Re: The Delegations

Post by Shiba Ryushi » Thu Jan 16, 2025 1:52 pm

Age: 20
Sex: Male
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Dark Brown
Height: 5’6”
Build: Athletic
Profession: Military Advisor
Marital Status: Available

Not much is known about this Shiba publicly.
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