I hit the PM recipient cap before I could add everyone, so I'll ping everybody this way!
I broke out people's responses to the googledoc roughly like this:
Potential Shite/Tsure actors (often includes singing or dancing): Shin, Minase, Honoka, Masaki, Shiori
Waki actors (no singing): Ryu, Hikaru, Reiko
Kyogen (comedy) actors: Anyone who wants to, must be willing to be goofy.
Potential backup singers/dancers: Hoshiko, Yuna, Ryushi
Potential musicians: Ryushi, Hoshiko, Yuna
?: Ryusei (would you like to fill in as a kyogen performer? or a dresser helping with costumes and masks?)
Looking at all that, I'm thinking we have enough people for an abbreviated (because time and attention spans!) Noh program and I'd thought to steal some real plays,
as follows:
Preamble: our shugenja consecrate the stage with a quick ritual.
Act #1: A dance play in which a kind man meets some fair supernatural maidens who need his help. Plagiarizing either
Hagoromo or
Waki (the man): Ryu or Hikaru?
Celestial or ghost maidens: Any/all of Minase, Shiori, Masaki, Honoka (four might be too many?)
Act #2: A comic interlude (Kyogen) with jokes and slapstick to give the audience a break. Maybe "
Tied to A Pole"? (two retainers are tied up by their lord to keep them from stealing his sake when he leaves home... through various maneuvers, they manage to help each other drink all the sake anyway).
Three characters (Master, Servant Jiro, Servant Taro): anyone especially want these roles? Awareness a plus, but willingness to have your character act goofy on stage is the main requirement. Shinnosuke could take one.
Act #3: An adventure play to conclude with a bang. Plagiarizing
Momijigari. A brave samurai is hunting in the mountains when he meets a mysterious lady who entices him to drink with her and her companions. In a dream, a local deity appears and informs him that the lady is actually a disguised demon terrorizing the mountain! The deity gives the samurai a magic sword, which he uses to reveal and defeat the demon.
Waki (the samurai): Ryu or Hikaru?
Shite (the lady/demon): Shinnosuke
Supporting cast (ladies accompanying the demon, retainers of the samurai): Any/all of Minase, Shiori, Masaki, Honoka, Hoshiko, Yuna, Ryushi
Local god: Reiko if she's still with us, or anybody else who wants to act a speaking part but not sing
For the actual performance event, we can go through each act with each performer posting 1x (per act if you like, if you're in more than one) to describe how you perform your part. If you want to roll an appropriate skill (Acting, Perform: Song, Perform: Dance, etc.) that'd fit too. We'll have an "audience" thread for people watching.
How does this sound?
Please go ahead and speak for a part/parts you'd like! Would like to get this nailed down before dayflip.
We can also have a cast party scene after if that sounds fun!