Other Houses, Other Clans

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Re: Other Houses, Other Clans

Post by Cearnach » Sat Apr 06, 2024 12:51 am

House Miura of the Soshi
Defense: 26
Influence: 37
Lands: 35
Law: 38
Population: 20
Power: 29
Wealth: 21
Infrastructure (+6 wealth, +1 lands)
Favor (+6 inf, +5 land, +3 law, +2 pow)
Glory (+4 def, +6 inf, +6 law, +4 pow)

The Miura family were founded in the reign of Hantei Fujiwa when the Shimabukuro family split, one cousin inheriting from a shared uncle, and the other receiving a lump sum to found a town further along the valley. Since their founding, they have prospered in the favor of the main branch of the Soshi family. Indeed, Lady Tomori is the fourth daughter of the Soshi Daimyo. Even though Soshi Michiko, the Daimyo of the Soshi Family, has been increasingly difficult in the past few years, the Miura have been able to parlay her forebears’ friendship into a wide range of contacts that have sustained them through the period of her decline. Indeed, the Miura were an important element in convincing the Imperial Families to lessen their efforts to keep the Socrpion down after the Gozoku era, having provided several important members of Sadahako’s entourage during the reign of Hantei Muhaki, each of whom provided sterling service in the Imperial Court.

Lord Miura Kanata (loving parent) (Influence 4)
Lady Miura Tomori (loving parent) (Influence 3)

Son 1, deceased
Daughter 1 (Influence 3)
Daughter 2 (Influence 2)
Son 2 (Influence 1)
Son 3 (Influence 1)

Extended Family
Sister 1, deceased
Sister 2 (Influence 3)
Sister 2’s wife (Influence 2)
Brother 1 (Influence 2)
Brother 1’s wife (Influence 1)
Brother 2 (Influence 1)
Brother 2’s wife (Influence 1)
Sister 3, deceased
Sister 4 (Influence 1)
Sister 4’s husband (Influence 1)
Sister 2’s 1st son, deceased
Sister 2’s 2nd son (Influence 2)
Sister 2’s daughter (Influence 1)
Brother 1’s 1st son (Influence 1)
Brother 1’s 2nd son, deceased
Brother 1’s 3rd son (Influence 1)
Brother 2’s 1st son (Influence 1)
Brother 2’s 2nd son, deceased
Sister 4’s son, deceased
Sister 4’s 1st daughter, deceased
Sister 4’s 2nd daughter (Influence 1)
GM * Man of Angles * Sionnach * Scealai * Hamanri's Vessel

A light wind swept over the corn, and all nature laughed in the sunshine.---Anne Bronte

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Re: Other Houses, Other Clans

Post by Cearnach » Sat Apr 06, 2024 12:51 am

House Kishida of the Shosuro
Defense: 24
Influence: 23
Lands: 20
Law: 23
Population: 20
Power: 24
Wealth: 21

Madness (-1 def, -3 inf, -5 land, -2 law, +3 pop, +2 pow, +0 wealth)
Decline (-5 def, -5 inf, -6 land, -1 pop, -2 pow, -3 wealth)
Ascent (+3 inf, +1 land, +5 pow, +3 wealth)
Treachery (-6 inf, -1 law, -1 pow)
Invasion/Revolt (-6 law, -5 pop, -1 pow, -4 wealth)
Glory (+4 def, +3 inf, +4 law, +5 power)
Infrastructure (+3 lands, +6 Influence)

Unknown to most even in the Shosuro family, the Kishida family began as an experiment of Shosuro’s. When Shosuro learned that she would need to follow Shinsei into the Shadowlands, she had trouble deciding what to do with the shadow her mortal form cast. She simply could not let it perish with her, if that was to be her fate. Eventually, she unpinned it from that body and breathed a form of life into it. That shadow was the original Kishida.

At first not at all equipped for life as a thinking thing, Shosuro, now in her guise as Soshi, carefully trained Kishida to function and, eventually, to lead. Although the house was unflinchingly loyal to Shosuro, they sometimes have had problems recognizing their connections to wider humanity, and their loyalty to other Shosuro houses has proven tenuous, at best, in one memorable occasion leading to near disaster in a war of shinobi.

Recent years have been kinder, however. They are assiduous cultivators of the Grass, and use the information thus obtained to enrich the family and seize key opportunities. For example, the Kishida believe it was one of their people that informed Cornejo of the perfidy of the Thrane, and thus triggered the expulsion of the gaijin and the Battle of White Stag.

Lord Kishida Atsushi (ill-equipped parent) (Influence 3)
Lady Kishida Manami (loving parent) (Influence 2)

Daughter 1 (Influence 2)
Daughter 2 (Influence 1)

Extended Family
Sister 1 (Influence 2)
Sister 1’s wife (Influence 1) [Influence 1 from here down)
Brother 1
Brother 1’s wife
Brother 2
Brother 2’s wife
Sister 2
Sister 2’s husband
Sister 1’s 1st son
Sister 1’s 2nd son
Sister 1’s 1st daughter, deceased
Sister 1’s 2nd daughter, deceased
Sister 1’s 3rd daughter
Brother 1’s 1st son, deceased
Brother 1’s 2nd son
Brother 1’s 1st daughter, deceased
Brother 1’s 2nd daughter
Brother 1’s 3rd son
Brother 2’s 1st son
Brother 2’s 2nd son, deceased
Brother 2’s 3rd son
Brother 2’s 4th son
Sister 2’s 1st son, deceased
Sister 2’s daughter, deceased
Sister 2’s 2nd son
Sister 2’s 3rd son.
GM * Man of Angles * Sionnach * Scealai * Hamanri's Vessel

A light wind swept over the corn, and all nature laughed in the sunshine.---Anne Bronte

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Re: Other Houses, Other Clans

Post by Cearnach » Sat Apr 06, 2024 12:51 am

House Kimura of the Shosuro
Defense: 22
Influence: 14
Lands: 11
Law: 20
Population: 23
Power: 29
Wealth: 10
Victory (+5 def, +1 inf, +3 pow)
Glory (+6 def, +3 inf, +4 law, +1 pow)
Favor (+1 Inf, +2 lands, +2 law, +5 pow)
Scandal (-5 inf, -5 land, -2 pow)
Treachery (-4 inf, -4 law, -3 pow)
Doom (-8 def, -8 inf, -7 land, -7 law, -7 pop, -4 pow, -9 wealth)
Madness (-3 def, -2 inf, -3 land, -2 law, +0 pop, +3 pow, -3 wealth)
Infrastructure (+1 law, +4 influence)

The Kimura family was incorporated into the Scorpion clan with numerous concessions as to their autonomy after their Lady outwitted Lord Bayushi in a game (popularly thought to be go, but possibly an early ningen game, now lost to history). Her people were instrumental to the Scorpion’s survival against the armies of Fu Leng during the Battle of Otosan Uchi. But their success and the favor shown to them proved their unmaking, because successive Scorpion Champions and Shosuro daimyo were able to use favors and gifts to bind them ever closer to the authorities, dispensing of their traditional privileges.

Then came the Gozoku, and it was too late. Bound by promises and personal honor, the Lord Kimura of that era became a creature of Bayushi Atsuki, and shared his fate when the conspiracy was undone by Hantei Yugozohime.

The last few years have featured a period of rebuilding for the Kimura. Nearly broken for several generations by their loyalty to their lords, they have begun focusing on their own needs and assiduously winnowing their former privileges away from Lord Shosuro and Lady Bayushi. They have a long way to go to reach their former glory, but at least they have started down the path.

Lord Kimura Eisuke (Influence 2) (Loving parent)
Lady Kimura Shoko (Influence 1) (ill-equipped parent)

Son (Influence 1)

Extended Family (Influence 1)
Brother 1, deceased
Sister’s husband
Brother 2, deceased
Brother 3
Brother 3’s wife
Sister’s 1st daughter
Sister’s son
Sister’s 2nd daughter
Sister’s 3rd daughter, deceased
Brother 3’s daughter, deceased
Brother 3’s son, deceased
GM * Man of Angles * Sionnach * Scealai * Hamanri's Vessel

A light wind swept over the corn, and all nature laughed in the sunshine.---Anne Bronte

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Re: Other Houses, Other Clans

Post by Cearnach » Sat Apr 06, 2024 12:52 am

House Sakurai of the Yogo
Defense: 18
Influence: 29
Lands: 22
Law: 35
Population: 30
Power: 32
Wealth: 26

Glory (+2 def, +3 inf, +1 law, +3 pow)

The Sakurai family was formed as a large and prosperous branch of the main Yogo line was granted cadet status last year in recognition of an exquisite flower arrangement executed by Lady Tsugumi in preparation for Winter Court at Kyuden Bayushi a few years back. The flower arrangement was made the centerpiece of the court, and featured prominently as a metaphor in a speech made by the Empress. The Sakurai have since tried to cultivate their own connections separate from the unstable court of Lord Yogo, with modest success among houses of the Crane and Crab clans. Their future looks bright.

Lady Sakurai Tsugumi (loving parent) (Influence 3)
Lord Sakurai Yuichi (loving parent) (Influence 2)

Son (Influence 2)
Daughter 1 (Influence 1)
Daughter 2 (Influence 1)

Extended Family
Brother 1 (Influence 2)
Brother 1’s wife (Influence 1) [Influence 1 from here down]
Brother 2
Brother 2’s wife
Brother 3, deceased
Sister 1
Sister 1’s husband
Sister 2, deceased
Brother 1’s 1st son
Brother 1’s 1st daughter
Brother 1’s 2nd son
Brother 1’s 3rd son, deceased
Brother 1’s 2nd daughter
Brother 2’s 1st son, deceased
Brother 2’s 2nd son
Brother 2’s 3rd son
Brother 2’s 4th son
Sister 2’s son
GM * Man of Angles * Sionnach * Scealai * Hamanri's Vessel

A light wind swept over the corn, and all nature laughed in the sunshine.---Anne Bronte

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Re: Other Houses, Other Clans

Post by Cearnach » Sat Apr 06, 2024 12:52 am

House Yamanoi of the Yogo
Defense: 9
Influence: 10
Lands: 16
Law: 22
Population: 18
Power: 17
Wealth: 10

Scandal (-2 inf, -6 land, -4 pow)
Madness (-1 def, +0 inf, +0 land, -1 law, +1 pop, +1 pow, -3 wealth)
Defeat (-3 def, -5 inf, -1 land, -2 pop, -3 pow, -6 wealth)
Scandal (-1 inf, -2 land, -4 pow)
Catastrophe (-6 law, -2 pop, -1 pow, -5 wealth)
Infrastructure (+5 Law, +3 power)
Scandal (-3 inf, -1 land, -4 pow)

The Yamanoi are attested from before the arrival of the kami. They came to power on what are now the Plains of Thunder due to a strange set of circumstances in which the head of a tribe was forced to give over hegemony over a pair of villages due to a scandal involving an elopement and a botched attempt to forcibly repatriate his daughter that was costly in lives and materiel.

Perhaps as a result of these inauspicious beginnings, the Yamanoi have found it challenging to prosper. Famous mistakes and peccadilloes have dogged the family throughout their history, including a half-mad lord’s decision to marry wholesale into the Yogo family in order to avoid continuing to pay taxes to the then-Lord Shosuro because of a personal dispute, then losing almost all his wealth and influence in the ensuing war. The family was a serious contributor to the Gozoku, was denounced by both the Four Temples and the Order of Bishamon, and though they were able to recover somewhat from the ensuing peasant rebellions through repression, they have seen no return of their previous influence. Indeed, the desperation of Lady Ryoko has led her to make unconventional speculative investments in shady merchant operations, some of which have come to light to the cost of her standing among her retainers. As every chance taken seems to lead further and further from redemption, the stakes grow larger and the chances taken more desperate. Who knows what the Yamanoi will do next to restore their fortunes?

Lady Yamanoi Ryoko (Ill-equipped parent) (Influence 1)
Lord Yamanoi Masaru (loving parent)

Son 1, deceased
Son 2

Extended Family
Sister, deceased
GM * Man of Angles * Sionnach * Scealai * Hamanri's Vessel

A light wind swept over the corn, and all nature laughed in the sunshine.---Anne Bronte

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Other Houses, Other Clans

Post by Cearnach » Sat Apr 06, 2024 2:01 am

Unstatted Crab Houses
1) Hara of the Hida: Hara Setsuko, master poet, hails from this house.
2) Higashiyama of the Yasuki: The Yasuki Minister of Internal Security hails from this house.
3) Nagao of the Kaiu: Toshinosuke, a candidate for marriage in 486, hails from this house.
4) Sanzaemon of the Hiruma: The house thought wiped out by the Shadowlands and wise lands were inherited by the Kishida, but whose last heir is hiding in their hinterlands, building support against the house that murdered her family.
5) Sugimura of the Hiruma: Haruko, gunso of scouts, hails from this house.
6) Tamanaha of the Kuni–an ancient house that used innuendo to besmirch and ruin the Tsumura family in order to maintain their position. Shamed by the Tsumura when the Tsumura saved the Tamanaha castle from an attack by oni.
7) Tono of the Kuni: The shugenja Tono Eijiro hails from this house.

Unstatted Crane Houses
1) Egawa of the Doji--1st cousins of the main branch of the Doji, Egawa Ureo, a diplomat, is eligible for marriage in 486
2) Hiraoka of the Daidoji–the former lords of the Isa family of the Daidoji, the Isa were thought to have wiped them out after objecting to their persecution of Shinseist monks during the height of the Gozoku crisis. A woman calling herself a daughter of the Hiraoka has recently been appearing at courts.
3) Iida of the Kakita--Iida Choko, a yoriki to an Emerald Magistrate--is eligible for marriage in 486.
4) Ikehara of the Doji–a house that slew the childless lord of the Nishimura family during the fallout from the Gozoku era. This paved the way for the Maeharas to become full samurai.
5) Katsuragi of the Daidoji--Katsuragi Fumiko, a financial broker, is eligible for marriage in 486.
6) Koike of the Kakita–a house that had a longstanding rivalry with, but now has sworn fealty to the Kitagawa.
7) Saito of the Asahina--Saito Tatsuo, a surgeon and shugenja, is available for marriage in 486
8) Takahashi of the Daidoji–a house that brought a rivalry with the Sato family of the Daidoji to a violent crisis and lost the ensuing conflict, resulting in continuing tensions.

Unstatted Dragon Houses
1)Hasegawa of the Agasha--Hasegawa Gazan and Haegawa Kinzo, a researcher and a junior magistrate, respectively, are eligible for marriage in 486
2)Shinsato of the Agasha–Aggressive neighbors of the Onodera who recently raided them and stole Sadahako’s sandal.
3)Toda of the Mirumoto--Toda Yoshiko, an estate manager, is eligible for marriage in 486.
4)Tsubouchi of the Mirumoto--Tsubouchi Yoko, an administrator, is eligible for marriage in 486.
5)Tsukioka of the Mirumoto--Tsukioka Yumeji, a Rikugunshokan, is eligible for marriage in 486.
6) Yamamoto of the Agasha--Historic rivals of the Ageki (also an Agasha house).

Unstatted Lion Houses
1) Gima of the Ikoma–a house that was completely wiped out by the Kamoshita
2) Mitsui of the Akodo--A Rikugunshokan, Mitsui Koji, is eligible for marriage in 486.
3) Nakata of the Ikoma--Nakata Koh, a diplomat, is eligible for marriage in 486
4) Ogata of the Kitsu–an influential house, closely allied with Kitsu Shintaro, who were dispossessed and evicted from their lands by Hantei Retsuhime so that she could punish Shintaro for an imagined slight. The lands were given to the peasant Kan family, who were raised to samurai status. The Ogata are currently dependents of Kitsu Shintaro.
5) Sazama of the Akodo–Rivals and creditors of House Ishihara
6) Sugawara of the Ikoma--A courtier, Sugawara Michisumi is eligble for marriage in 486.
7) Unami of the Matsu--Unami Kotoha, a bushi, is eligible for marriage in 486.
8) Ushio of the Kitsu--a sensei of the Kitsu shugenja, Ushio Mantaro is eligible for marriage in 486

Unstatted Phoenix Houses
1) Amaya of the Shiba–a former house exposed as traitors to Shiba Higashime by their vassal, Michishita Kenjiro. The Michishita now govern their former territories, while the Amaya endure life as ronin.
2) Gashuin of the Shiba--A popular gunso, Gashuin Tatsuya, is eligible for marriage in 486.
3) Goda of the Shiba–a once-influential house fallen on very hard times because of the displeasure of Daikoku, the Arai, along with two other vassal houses, recently ended their client relationship with them.
4) Kamiki of the Asako--Kimiki Arashi, an estate manager, is eligible for marriage in 486.
5) Kimura of the Isawa--Kimura Takuya, the Governor of Nikesake, is eligible for marriage in 486.
6) Miwa of the Isawa--Miwa Akihiro, a shugenja, is eligible for marriage in 486.
7) Shikishi of the Isawa–A superlatively influential house that split off from the main line of Isawa when their founder destroyed an invading Yobanjin army by persuading a mountain to rise up, walk about 10 kilometers, and sit on them. In more recent years, the Shikishi have supplied a Ruby Champion and have received a high-ranking Otomo into their family. While no member of their family has sat on the Elemental Council, their support has made or broken several Elemental Masters over the years.
8) Tsuchiya of the Isawa–a vassal of the Master of Fire, the Tsuchiya were trying to get out of returning an expensive favor to the Wada family when Isawa Takao stepped in with a rather violent overreaction. The Tsuchiya were horrified by the destruction he caused, and consequently have become less firm supporters of his, though their relationship with the Wada is still strained.
9) Tsukamoto of the Isawa--Tsukamoto Keiko, a shugenja, is eligible for marriage in 486.

Unstatted Scorpion Houses
1) Chiaki of the Bayushi--Chiaki Minoru, an Emerald Magistrate, is eligible for marriage in 486.
2) Irie of the Bayushi--A bushi, Irie Miki is eligible for marriage in 486.
3) Maeda of the Shosuro--Maeda Bibari, a gunso, is eligible for marriage in 486.
4) Minami of the Yogo--Minami Yoshie, the hero Minami Tetsu's younger sister, is eligible for marriage in 486.
5) Shimabukuro of the Soshi–the parent house of the Miura family
6) Takemitsu of the Shosuro--Takemitsu Toru, a scion of a merchant family, is eligible for marriage in 486.
GM * Man of Angles * Sionnach * Scealai * Hamanri's Vessel

A light wind swept over the corn, and all nature laughed in the sunshine.---Anne Bronte

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Re: Other Houses, Other Clans

Post by Cearnach » Fri Dec 27, 2024 4:00 am

Name: Miyahara of the Daidoji
Location: 073.064 (Daidoji Lands)

Defense: 13
Influence: 44
Lands: 15
Law: 24
Population: 26
Power: 24
Wealth: 33-9(ronin)= 24

Age: New



Tower (10 points)

1 ri of Hills, Coastal + 1 ri of Plains, Grassland with a stream and light woods [15 points]

1 Unit of Elite Ronin [-9 points wealth)
1 Unit of Regular Warships [10points]
1 unit of regular sailors [7 points]
1 Unit of Green Personal Guard


Born amidst the fall of the Gozoku House Miyahara is an influential but deeply leveraged house with an uncertain future. When Hantei Yogozohime cut down her brother the Lion and Dragon armies shattered the Gozoku and many peasant communities on the border were forced to flee the fighting. Those who were able to flee across Three Stone River and Mizu-Umi-No Fuko managed to escape to safety, their retreat organised and covered by a young Daidoji Miyahara who had been separated from his company in the fighting.

The refugees found that while most of the coast was uninhabitable a bountiful plain had been hidden amongst the mountains. With ample food, water and timber they were able to function as something of a refugee camp until the fighting ended. When the conflict finished the diminished Crane, eager to promote some examples of heroism (and unwilling to return refugees to any newly conquered lands) proclaimed Miyahara lord of the small domain across the river.

In the years since the camp has grown into a more standard, if slightly unusual Rokugani community. While poorer than many of their Crane cousins their safe location and strategic position on the river (for both trade and smuggling) has brought some small prosperity. Lord Miyahara was able to leverage his prestige into lasting influence, sending his children to be trained in influential dojos and fostered with important families. Though small the Miyahara were recognised as a vassal family.

Today the house, led by his granddaughter, maintains an influential place in the Daidoji Council, although behind its noble façade is a much smaller and poorer house than many would think. It contributes to the Crane military through a squadron of ships funded by trade who rapidly deploy an elite ronin brotherhood, The Children of the River to serve the Clan’s (and house’s) interests. Many amongst the Band can trace their lineage to samurai who were made ronin as punishment for participation in the Gozoku conspiracy and their relationship with the family is close, with the occasional exceptional member being adopted.

Lady Miyahara Sae [Influence 5]

Miyahara Sanzo [Influence 4] (Her younger brother by three years, manages the family estates while Sae is away, happily married to Miyahara ne Daidoji Makiko)
Miyahara Shikibu [Influence 1] & Miyahara Teiljo [Influence 1] (Sanzo and Makiko’s young twins, the next generation)

Miyahara Jotaro [Influence 3] (Her kid brother, only recently out of gempukku, a bit shiftless)

Miyahara Kinari [Influence 2] (A cousin who commands the family military when required. An older veteran who loves the sea)
Miyahara Hisa [Influence 1] (A young woman recently adopted from the Children of the River for saving Jotaro’s life from bandits. Talented but still finding her feet)

Nambo [Influence 0]* (Sae’s father, now retired has taken the name Nambo as a monk. Previously he was Daidoji Joben. He enjoys tending to the shrine and providing ‘wisdom’ to the family, feeling he’s earned a retirement after many decades of arduous service)
GM * Man of Angles * Sionnach * Scealai * Hamanri's Vessel

A light wind swept over the corn, and all nature laughed in the sunshine.---Anne Bronte

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Re: Other Houses, Other Clans

Post by Cearnach » Fri Dec 27, 2024 3:08 pm

Name: House Shigi of the Shiba
Location: The southern Phoenix coastline. Hex 099.021

Defense: 25. +5 from location, -1 from events, 29 total
Influence: 25. +5 from Location, +4 from bonus creation roll, +3 from events, 37 total
Lands: 28. -9 from events, 19 total.
Law: 22, -8 from events, 10 total
Population: 19 +5 from location, -26 from Events, 0 total.
Power: 20 -5 from location, -11 from events, 4 total
Wealth: 20 +5 from location, -11 from events, 14 total

Age: Very Old- they have been followers of Shiba from the dawn of the Empire, and are quite proud of the fact.
8(!) events
Event 1- 11- Infrastructure. Add 2 to Defense and 1 to Wealth. During the earliest days of the Empire, House Shigi received valuable sea access and fashioned respectable shipbuilding facilities.

Event 2- 10- Glory. Add 3 to Defense, 5 to influence, 2 to law, 2 to power. During the First War with Fu Leng, House Shigi provided able commanders, skilled soldiers, and perhaps most importantly, secure coastal shipping of men and material, allowing rapid redistribution of resources.

Event 3- 11- Infrastructure again. Add 5 to Influence and 5 to Wealth. The war was a boom time for House Shigi, the losses of men in combat more than offset by the investments in port facilities to handle increased shipping and the prestige their aid lent their name.

Event 4- 10- Glory again. Add 4 to defense, 4 to influence, 6 to law, and 3 to Power. Let’s keep this in First War glory days terms, House Shigi were BIG DAMN HEROES, also helping keep the coastal sea lanes orderly, sweeping aside Shadowlands monsters, panicked refugees, and pirates alike in the name of wartime efficiency.

Event 5- 11. Infrastructure again. +3 to Defense, +3 to Lands. Following the War, House Shigi leveraged its prestige- and its wartime economic boom- into strengthening its defensive capabilities and in improving its holdings through judicious use of Isawa aid and Shiba engineering.

Event 6- 8. DOOM! -4 to Defense. -6 to Influence. -8 to Lands. -12 to Law. -12 to Population. -8 to Power. -7 to Wealth. Pride ever goes before a fall, and House Shigi, riding high from the war, their lands barely even impacted, minus, of course, a few dead samurai, was ill-prepared for the envy of their rivals- particularly among the Yasuki and Daidoji families. With their shipping under pressure, and their trade concessions under vigorous assault in the Imperial Court, the Shigi took their eye off of the ball when one of their ships brought a cargo infected with pestilence into their port. Beset politically, militarily, and pathologically, the House’s fortunes entered a sharp decline in the first century following the War.

Event 7- 8. DOOM again! -9 to defense. -4 to Influence. -4 to Lands. -4 to Law. -8 to Population. -5 to Power. -10 to Wealth. Unprepared for the sheer magnitude of the disaster, House Shigi floundered into near-obscurity in the following years, becoming something of a backwater client family of the Shiba, with only the tattered glories of the First War lending them any prestige at all. The Shigi almost went under completely, and their mainland holdings dwindled as any peasant who could picked up and moved to more prosperous Phoenix provinces. The fact that the Shigi were doing such a bad job of managing the crisis meant that nobody was in any hurry to send any workers back.

Event 8- 7. Decline. -1 to Influence, -1 to Lands, -6 to Population, -3 to Power. The long years since have given every sign of a moribund House, although the House has managed to cling to political relevance on the strength of its proud history… which is about all they have left.

Due to this long decline, the Shigi have neither greatly benefited from nor been seriously harmed by more recent events- their influence, backed by almost no physical power, has been husbanded sparingly, and their dwindling wealth has been jealously hoarded to make sure they can at least equip the samurai of the family properly. Still, there's little denying that the House is headed for obscurity.

Shigi Castle was one a proud portside defensive structure, effectively a minor Shiro, but has fallen into disrepair, and these days amounts to little more than a Ki in terms of actual effectiveness (20 points)

Despite their long decline- and the total lack of peasants under their command- the Shigi control the coastal plains of their mainland holding,(6 points), and the offshore Plains Island (Sandpiper Island) that houses the dilapidated Shiro Shigi, overlooking what was once the thriving approach to House Shigi’s long-abandoned port facilities. (13 points)

Law [10]
The depopulated nature of House Shigi’s lands makes it a haven for bandits, coastal pirates, and other nuisances. -10 to House Fortunes.

Population [0]
Nobody stuck around after the mismanagement of the plague and the subsequent economic decline. -10 to House Fortunes.

1 Green Garrison Unit to protect the castle (4 points)

Wealth [14]
Despite everything, the Shigi still have about 2800 koku’s worth of meaningful assets- all of it essentially taking the form of residual coin in the coffers, the only resource of the Shigi that survived the total collapse of the population. While these resources have dwindled considerably from their peak, careful management, and holding their noses to finance the ventures of more successful seagoing traders have kept the Shigi out of total poverty.

Background/History: The samurai of House Shigi can proudly trace their service to the earliest days of the Empire, when the small tribe of fishermen living on Sandpiper Island swore themselves to the Phoenix's service. They started off strong, with maritime interests that dovetailed nicely with the need to protect the trade and coastlines of the Phoenix Clan. During the First War with Fu Leng, the Shigi's star rose into the stratosphere- shuttling cargo, soldiers, and refugees up and down the coast, they seemed almost untouchable in their glory.

Then the war ended, and the Shigi, grown complacent in their strength, failed to adjust to new political realities. They tried to cling to the near-monopoly they had held, but failed to appreciate the courtly strength of the Crane- slowly, their privileges were eroded. When they woke up to the problem, it induced a near-panic in the House's leadership... just in time for a ship infected with plague to come home to Shiro Shigi. The plague was devastating, not simply to life and health, but to the image of the Shigi as samurai who could manage their lands. In fact, had their wartime service not been so exemplary, it is quite probable that they would have had their lands stripped from them entirely... instead of simply having to cede farmlands with no peasants to farm them.

The decline that set in proved hard to deal with, as the Shigi simply didn't have much experience with the scutwork involved in getting peasants to stop slipping away- and their pride kept them from admitting how bad things had gotten until it was simply too late.

In the end, the collapse of the House's fortunes was as meteoric as its rise had been. In the present era, the Lord of the House seems content to drink himself to death in his rotting castle- but his wife, a savvy political animal, and his eldest surviving son, seem intent on arranging some sort of renaissance. It is a heroic task- perhaps an impossible one.

But there is no alternative.

Head: Lord Kuroda- A Shiba Bushi, influence 4. No longer able to get around much, since a bandit’s arrow took him in the left thigh and resulted in the leg’s amputation, Shiba no Shigi Kuroda is a bitter man, crumbling as his castle. He spends his days drunk more often than not, and doesn’t seem to enjoy much of anything. Even the mere act of clinging to life seems to be more about depriving his eldest surviving son of any real control over the family’s dwindling fortunes than because he enjoys a single breath he takes. A blasphemous man, prone to cursing the Fortunes, the Kami, and his Ancestors, especially when in his cups, Lord Kuroda is a vigorously unpleasant man, and his combination of despair, bitterness, and wounded pride have conspired to insure that under his stewardship, the decline of the Shigi has continued unabated. He also loathes the Crane clan, cursing the Daidoji and the Yasuki alike for their (largely imagined, at this point) role in House Shigi’s decline.

Consort: Lady Kirahime- An Ikoma Courtier, Influence 3. Born Ikoma Kirahime, the lady of Shiro Shigi is a remarkably strong woman- not physically. Physically, she’s still a delicate beauty, even at 35 with four childbirths behind her. But she retains a species of good cheer, even in her miserable marriage to a miserable man, even in the wake of the death of her eldest son. Far more active in wielding what influence House Shigi still has, and making sure to instruct her children on their House’s proud history, Kirahime is very much the one making sure the House doesn’t simply collapse into the sea.

Heir: Shiba Ryusei- A Shiba Bushi, Influence 3. The second-born of his parents’ loveless marriage, Ryusei is the apple of his mother’s eye and the bane of his father’s existence. Well-read, brainy, young, athletic, and surprisingly charming, Ryusei excelled at the dojo in Shiro Shiba, having all the hallmarks of a skilled and able staff officer. He’s also convinced that the Shigi can improve their fortunes if they just admit they need some help and look for advantageous alliances. He’s put in some work on that front, particularly among his fellow Phoenix, and is, along with his mother, responsible for the fact that House Shigi still has as much pull as it does. While he has a romantic bent to his nature, Ryusei knows that an advantageous marriage could be crucial in turning the family fortunes around, and has thus far managed to avoid doing something as counterproductive as falling in love. He’s also on the lookout for matches for his younger brother and sister, of course.

Other Children:
Shiba Bantaro- Deceased. Firstborn son. Bantaro was Lord Kuroda’s favorite, and the only one of the children who could make the old man smile. The fact that he got brutally murdered by bandits within sight of the family castle is a major contributor to Kuroda’s accelerating mental and emotional decline.

Shiba Saburo- Third-born child, elder twin of the pair, and nearing completion of his gempukku at Shiro Shiba as a bushi. Quiet, reserved, and carries a bit of tension- Saburo is very much the product of his father’s emotional abuse, but his older brother, his mother, and his sister, do exert some pull in the other direction. A shy young man with a tendency to look up sharply anytime anyone raises their voice. Misses his sister keenly, since she went to a different dojo than he did.

Shiba Mai- Fourth-born child, younger twin to Saburo, and only daughter. Training as a Shiba Artisan. Mai has all of the fire that got snuffed out of Saburo- she is feisty, fierce, and a lot of fun, despite growing up in a rotting castle by the seaside. She’s solidly in the middle of her class in terms of ability, but at the very top in popularity, and the vivacious young woman offers the family something useful- a bride to offer who might be charming enough to not need much of a dowry.
GM * Man of Angles * Sionnach * Scealai * Hamanri's Vessel

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Re: Other Houses, Other Clans

Post by Cearnach » Fri Dec 27, 2024 4:26 pm

Name: Itoh of the Yogo
Location: 054 058

Defense: 31

Influence: 28

Lands: 28
Law: 36

Population: 26
Power: 19

Wealth: 32

Age: Old
1. Glory: Bayushi Shiki single-handedly destroyed a bandit gang. The Yogo daimyo of the time granted her the right to found a House and rule the land she freed, though she would have to marry into the Yogo Family

2. Scandal: Shiki died mysteriously in when giving birth to her fourth child. The child did not make it long after. Officially. Many of the servants reported her alive, if a bit “sadden” after the birth. Her husband, Itoh, insisted that they both died of natural causes and changed the House’s name to Itoh after consulting the Yogo daimyo. His bitterness towards his deceased wife and the fact he did not allow anyone to look at the bodies did not help quell rumors that followed him until he died.

3. Infrastructure (Lands/Power): The Itoh stayed mostly just quietly built up their land. They began breeding dogs around this time.

4. Revolt: A peasant maho-tsukai caused a revolt. While the Itoh were able to quell it before it got out of hand, it caused quite a bit of damage.

5. Infrastructure (Lands/Power): As they began rebuilding, Itoh truly found its calling as merchants in the Clan. They made for middling shugenja, but were more often than not crafty merchants. This allowed them to quickly recover from the damages the revolt did.

6. Infrastructure (Lands/Wealth): In the last 50 years or so, they their merchant enterprises have began more and more including their dogs. They have produce quality guards dogs. They have begun tinkering with eugenics, and are trying to create specific breeds for dogs specialized at certain tasks. Of course, being Scorpion, they consider the looks of the dog to very important which attracts noble patronage.

Defense: Small Castle (Shiro Shiki) [30] (31)

Influence: Small Minor House (28)
Lands: Hills [4] - Small Town [20]/Light Woods [3]/Stream [1] (28)

Law: You exert a great deal of control in your lands, and crime is uncommon. [-1 Fortune Rolls] (36)

Population: Typical population. Most peasants live in small mura working communal fields, but you might have a couple small towns and a community around your main fortification. [+1 Fortune Rolls] (26)
Power: Trained Garrison [5]/Trained Samurai Infantry [9]/Trained Scouts [5] (19)

Wealth: 6400 Koku (32)

Indifferent Father/Antagonistic Mother

Dead Sister

Aunt 1: Poor Parent (3 Children)

Aunt 2: Poor Parent (6 Children)

Aunt 3: Loving Parent (1 Child)

Aunt 4: Loving Parent (2 Children)
GM * Man of Angles * Sionnach * Scealai * Hamanri's Vessel

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Re: Other Houses, Other Clans

Post by Cearnach » Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:37 pm

House Ikehara of the Doji
Clan: Crane
Family: Doji

Location: Crane Coast
Defense: 34
Influence: 34
Lands: 19
Law: 19
Population: 33
Power: 25
Wealth: 37

Recent House

Event: Glory
+1 Defense
+1 Influence
+4 Law
+1 Power

Step 4: Spend Resources

Defenses: 34-30=4
Small Castle
Influence: Rank 4

Land Holdings: 19-4-3-3=9
Hills (Crane discount)
Location: 055 162 (Next to Kiashi Mura)

House Ikehara is a recent cadet branch the Doji, with license given to Doji Ikehara in the days of the
Gozuku. Ikehara was a late birth far enough down the line of succession to not be deemed any for of
threat, but he has not been content with his line fading into obscurity. The offset generation has
made his niece, Doji Minehime, closer to a cousin in term of age and he has shrewedly backed her
and joined in some of her escapades as a supporting role. Among those adventures was ridding a
pirate and bandit nest that had been plaguing Crane territory. Their base of operations was well
suited as a port, and with a nearby river running through Crane lands, and the lands were granted to
Ikehara for his service.

House Ikehara has taken a non-standard path with its force construction: rather than hounding some
of the fringe elements from the area, Ikehara has recruited ronin from a local brotherhood to serve
as a small well trained infantry and marine corps, while focusing House and Clan Resources to build a
fleet of warships with trained sailors and it appears that the logistical advantage the control of water
transport provides is working: the recent victory over the Matsu was due to logistical and transport
support. Whether or not the house can keep the favor of Minehime is another question, but it is
preparing the next generation to take the reigns.
GM * Man of Angles * Sionnach * Scealai * Hamanri's Vessel

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Re: Other Houses, Other Clans

Post by Cearnach » Sun Dec 29, 2024 4:16 am

Name: Nariakira of the Akodo

Location: 076.033

Defense: 29
Influence: 28
Lands: 33
Law: 22
Population: 35
Power: 41
Wealth: 27

Age: Established


Tower [10] - Northern Watch on Road
Tower [10] - Southern Watch on Road

Plains [2*]
Small Town [20]
Road [5]

Subordinate House [20] - The Tadashige
Elite Samurai Infantry [13] - The House’s real claim to fame
Trained Ashigaru [7]


House Nariakira is a minor, but well established, house situated north of Shiro Akodo and managing a small and largely unremarkable village seated on the main north-south road. Founded by decree of Hante Genji himself following it’s founder’s valiant actions during the Battle of Cherry Blossom Snow Lake. An act which also would see house gain a level of respect among the Crab that still lingers to the modern day. It also earned the nascent family the hatred of the Suketsune of the Matsu, who felt slighted that an Akodo won the Emperor’s favor over them. The Suketsune traced their heritage back to Lady Matsu’s first followers and though they had already begun a slow decline were still a potent political force in the courts of the Lion. Their plotting would come to a head within fifty years after the Nariakira’s founding when the Suketsune produced evidence that a Scorpion spy had embedded themselves in the Nariakira. It was a partial truth, the house Lord had indeed become enamored with a local geisha who was ultimately working for the Scorpion and had unwittingly revealed information while drunk. The Nariakira were only saved when said Lord committed seppuku, doing so with a dull wakizashi to prove his sincerity.

His daughter would take the lessons of her father’s death to heart. Outwardly displaying deference and submission to the Suketsune, she would set into motion a plan that would take generations to complete. For more than two centuries the Nariakira prepared, building up a network of favors and the economic infrastructure to challenge the Suketsune. Ever the chastised in conversation with the Matsu, they lulled the Suketsune into a false confidence.

When the turmoil following the end of the Gozuko and the gajin attack, the Nariakira finally took their chance. When they struck it was not merely to claim land or humble the Suketsune…the Nariakira ended the house, no one with a claim to Suketsune survived. The brutality of the act tarnished the Nariakira’s victory, earning them another censor though they kept their rival’s lands.

That was forty years ago and the current Lord of Nariakira, Tadahiro, seeks to elevate his family’s fortunes. His younger brother Tadashige had been entrusted with a governance of the Suketsune’s old lands and much to the elder Nariakira’s disgust had proven largely incompetent, but such problems can be overcome.


Akodo (Nariakira) Tadahiro [Influence 3]
Unnamed Wife [Influence 2]
Eldest Son [Influence 2]
Second Son [Influence 1]
Akodo Myorin [Influence 1]

Subordinate House:
Name: Tadashige of the Akodo

Location: 075.033

Defense: 24
Influence: 6
Lands: 12
Law: 14
Population: 27
Power: 18
Wealth: 10

Age: New


Ki [20]

Plains [2*]
Small Hamlet [10]

Trained Samurai Infantry [9]
Trained Samurai Archers [8]

Akodo Tadashige [Influence 1]
Wife [Influence 1]
Heir [Influence 1]
(Possibly More)
GM * Man of Angles * Sionnach * Scealai * Hamanri's Vessel

A light wind swept over the corn, and all nature laughed in the sunshine.---Anne Bronte

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Re: Other Houses, Other Clans

Post by Agasha Yuna » Mon Dec 30, 2024 1:16 am

House Ageki of the Agasha
揚 means "to hoist, to raise, to elevate." 
城 means "castle, fortress."

Location: 62.011, including the pass through the mountains to Serpent’s Tail mine

The purpose of House Ageki is well-stated by Shinsei:
“Master the Way of the Earth, and you will find the virtue of the eternal mountain.”

Their private library of custom earth magics is called The Eternal Mountain. The goal of the house is to produce talented shugenja with a strong affinity for the earth, and to continue to push the boundaries and explore the possibilities of earth magic, and the needs of earth kami.

Of note, shugenja who marry in must take and honor Ageki's vow to use no magic other than earth magic.

Defense: 38
Influence: 25
Lands: 11
Law: 29
Population: 11
Power: 28
Wealth: 32

Very Old House
Founded by Togashi in 1st century

- Favor (Togashi's favor earned by Ageki - details not widely known)
- Glory (From Ageki's unique spell to raise a fortress from the mountainside with the help of the earth kami - exemplified in Shiro Ageki, the mountain marvel - to guard the Dragon mountain passes)
- Infrastructure (An underground shrine to honor the earth kami & the gold mine)
- Doom (An internal Dragon matter. A misguided 'war' against the Togashi included those thought to hide Togashi's secrets. Only two children from the family survived, hidden in the Serpent's Tail mine.)
- Invasion (A Naga invasion. Dragon would know more details. Shiro Ageki, defended only by House Yamamoto, was destroyed.)
- Windfall (The surviving children prove they are the true heirs, raising Shiro Ageki again from the earth, exactly as it once had been. The lands and restored fortress are re-assigned to the Ageki children and the family re-builds quietly, focused on their great work.)
- Favor (The family - and its gold - receives recent imperial attention when Uncle Toma becomes the personal goldsmith of a prominent court darling fashion-setter. Many wear his gold creations, with access controlled by his patron, Miya Kisaiya, the wife of Miya Hachi.)

Ageki Koda, Lord (Influence 3) [Loving Parent], talented shugenja
Ageki Sakura, Lady (Influence 1) [Ill-equipped Parent], talented shugenja

Ageki Toma (influence 2), famous goldsmith, patroned by the Miya, Lord Koda's brother

F: Ageki Yuna (infuence 1) - eldest, but not the heir, since she is not a shugenja viewtopic.php?f=13&t=35#p886
M: Ageki Riku (influence 2) - The Heir, talented shugenja
F: Ageki Keiko (influence 1) - youngest, talented shugenja

Defense 38
Small Castle (30): A smaller version of the grand shiros, with a single keep and perhaps two towers.
NOTE: This castle, Shiro Ageki, is notably made from grey stone and carved up out of the mountainside by a rare earth shugenja magic. A magical marvel.

Influence 25
A minor family. Head of family (her father) is influence 3.

Lands 11
Mountain terrain (Dragon 3)
Road (5)
River (3)

Units (28)
2 units of Veteran Shugenja [26, 13 each]. Agasha studying earth magics.

Law (29)
21-30: The typical level of Law in Rokugan. Crime may happen, but it is almost never seen to be happening without a swift return to order. This reflects the very small population. It’s just the family and the shugenja studying there and the mine workers and fishermen (who are the source of the very occasional scuffles.)

Population (11)
11-20: Small population but no community larger than a small town.
There is no town. There are mine workers and fishermen who stay at the fortress alongside the family. There are shugenja studying earth magic present also.

32 – Abundant gold mine! 6400 spare koku
map Shiro Ageki.jpg
map Shiro Ageki.jpg (254.52 KiB) Viewed 352 times
ageki mon.jpg
ageki mon.jpg (215.08 KiB) Viewed 352 times
Agasha Yuna * Courtier * Daughter to Lord Koda of House Ageki * Librarian * Karo (Advisor)
Status: 2.0 * Influence: 1 * Glory: 2.0

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Re: Other Houses, Other Clans

Post by Cearnach » Mon Dec 30, 2024 2:00 am

Name: House Tanaka of the Doji
Location: 085.056 or thereabouts (I think that river is the Tangu?)

Defense: 9
Influence: 39
Lands: 6
Law: 39 [-1 to Fortunes roll]
Population: 27 [+1 to Fortunes roll]
Power: 6
Wealth: 24 [4800 koku]

Age: Established

Defeat: -6 Def, -1 Inf, -1 Land, -1 Pop, -4 Power, -5 Wealth
Madness: +2 Def, -2 Inf, -2 Land, -6 Law, +2 Pop, +2 Power, +1 Wealth
Defeat: -6 def, -2 inf, -6 land -2 pop -2 power, -6 wealth
Decline: -1 inf, -5 land, -2 pop, -4 power
Treachery: -2 inf, -3 law, -6 power
Favor: +5 inf, +6 lands, +6 law, +6 power

Tower (10 points)

1 ri of rice-growing Wetlands [3pt] on a River [3pt].
(Plus other scattered concerns too small to count, because the population and income had to be coming from somewhere in the period between Event #2-Event #6.)
Income is mostly from paddy rice, silk, and some workshop-level artisan production of ceramics.

1 unit of Trained Garrison [2+3 pt]
1 unit of Green Ashigaru Levies [-2 population, 1pt]

A cadet house of the main Doji line calved-off in the late years of Hantei Genji, this house has had a colorful run.
Doji Tanaka took the forces and land granted as a mark of favor by his eldest sibling, then the Clan Champion, and promptly lost most of them in ill-advised vanity-project feuding with the neighbors. Following this military defeat Tanaka descended into mostly benevolent eccentricity, turning his small remaining estate into a haven for misfits and fellow eccentrics of all classes. The House’s population of loyal followers and its economic base actually expanded in the latter years of the founder’s rule, although becoming somewhat less orderly into the process.
Subsequent generations of House Tanaka continued to enjoy fair prosperity and inherited prestige, but the family’s lack of land holdings and military might have been a fly in the ointment for several of the founder’s descendants. Although House Tanakahas produced a few warriors who distinguished themselves in service to the Clan and other lords, absolutely none of that reflected glory has redounded to the house’s material benefit. During the reign of Hantei IV an ill-advised attempt at expansion provoked fierce retaliation from Tanaka’s neighbors yet again. By this point most of the family’s remaining property was small holdings and businesses in towns and among the lands of other houses, too widely scattered to constitute a true landed estate (even a small one!) The next generations of House Tanaka heirs descended into relative passivity, preferring to take an interest in the life of the court and other hobbies over maintaining the family’s holdings.

Competent management of the family’s artisan manufacturing concerns and scattered farms by its lesser members and loyal commoner retainers kept the house afloat economically and reduced some losses. However, as hangers-on of the main Doji line, House Tanaka eventually became closely involved with the Gozoku conspiracy in an attempt to improve their fortunes. They escaped destruction when the Gozoku was overthrown, but lost some influence and reputation and were stripped of what small military power they still had.

After spending a generation as loyal and devoted servants of the Clan’s honorable interests after Raigu’s fall, during Retsuhime’s reign House Tanaka has been re-gifted some of the original farming land once lost by their founder (and which had since fallen lordless). Once again masters of a proper manor, albeit a small one, they’re determined to husband their holdings carefully and not screw it up this time. Most of the family still remain scattered serving in other courts and the service of other lords, or the clan and imperial bureaucracies.

Because of their near relationship to (and, in military terms, relative dependency on) the main Doji line, the family considers their interests at the moment to be fairly closely aligned with what Doji Minehime wants, as long as that doesn’t conflict with their local needs.

Some Characters
Tanaka O-Teru, the Lady (Courtier, influence 4)
m. Tanaka (ne Kakita) Tsuramune, consort (Bushi influence 3)
Tanaka Sumiha, The Heir (Courtier influence 3), age mid-20s
NPC Tanaka Kinuyo (if that works?) (Bushi influence 2)
Tanaka Toshio (Bushi influence 1), teen

The Lady’s brother Tanaka Eijiro (Bushi influence 3)
M. Tanaka (neé Daidoji) Mariko (Courtier/merchant influence 2)
The PC: Doji Shinnosuke (influence 2), age early 20s
Doji Tsugumi (deceased)

The Lord’s sister O-Asa (Bushi/Cool Aunt influence 2), unmarried, closer in age to the nieces/nephews than to the Lord
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Re: Other Houses, Other Clans

Post by Cearnach » Mon Dec 30, 2024 5:10 am

House Kawagoi (川鯉) of the Yasuki
Location: Squares 45.166, 46.166 (2 Hori in Yasuki lands, close to the border with Asahina lands)

House Stats
Defense: 25
Influence: 24
Lands: 19 (18 + 1 from extra 1d6)
Law: 21
Population: 33 [35 – 2 from Ashigaru Levies]
Power: 13
Wealth: 33

Age: Recent (Gozoku Era, split from an older, larger house at the end of the Yasuki wars)

None! (1 on 1d6-1)
Although the years before its foundation were interesting times, House Kawagoi has seen relatively stable, uneventful times (despite some unfortunate deaths) since then under its founder, Lord Kawagoi Toyofumi, his son Kawagoi Tsuyoshi, and the house's current head, Lady Kawagoi Satomi.

Detailed Stats
Defense 25
Defensive Structures:

Ki [20 points] - A series of earthworks and trenches are erected on the opposite side of the Koigawa River (鯉川), not very far from the Hamlet aptly named Koigawa-chou (鯉川町) – the liveliest part and the largest of Kawagoi Lands.

[Total spent: 20 points; Remaining: 5 points]

Lands 19
2 domains

1 square ri of Wetlands cut by a river (Koigawa - 鯉川), with a Hamlet (Koigawa-chou – 鯉川町) by the river and grasslands around it [Wetlands: 1; River: 3; Hamlet: 10; Grasslands: 1; Total 15 points]
1 square ri of Wetlands cut by a river (Koigawa - 鯉川) [Wetlands 1; River 3; Total 4 points]

[Total spent: 19 points]

Power 13

1 unit of Veteran Garrison [7 points spent; 100 XP; difficulty 7 home, 13 away]
1 unit of Veteran Ashigaru Levies [2 population + 5 points spent; 100 XP, difficulty 16]

[Total points spent; 12 points + 2 population]
[Remaining points: 1]

Influence 24
A smaller minor house. The Tsume before they took Toshi Ranbo and became a Vassal Family.
Influence of House Head: 3.

Law 21
The typical level of Law in Rokugan. Crime may happen, but it is almost never seen to be happening without a swift return to order.

Population 33
Modest population. At least one town and several villages.

[Starting population 35; -2 from Ashigaru Levies;
Effective population 33]

Wealth 33
Main sources of wealth: Fishing (River fish), Ornamental Koi Fish, Freshwater Crab, Sake, "Investments"
Effective koku available: 6600

Known History:
House Kawagoi (川鯉) was previously part of a larger Yasuki house before their split from the Crane. During the split, house founder Toyofumi (豊史) kept loyal to the main branches of the Yasuki, following them into the Crab – but he also maintained ties with parts of the original house who remained behind with the Crane, among the Daidoji and especially the Asahina – including relatives that would eventually end up in House Tani.

Toyofumi kept careful stewardship of large parts of the previous house’s lands during the war, as well as the Koigawa river that crossed them. Using his careful words (and some cleverly placed economic leverage), he was able to keep most of the fighting away from these lands, maintaining a delicate balance of support to the Yasuki’s position under the Crab and whatever trade deals and other manoeuvres he could negotiate to keep ties and some support to previous relatives and friends among the Crane. While not easy and certainly dangerous at times, this secured the maintenance of valuable trade routes and commercial partners – especially as the war neared its end.

The stewardship of large swathes of land safe from the ravages of war, as well as his services in court – including some participation in negotiations at the end of the Yasuki War – were rewarded with the right to create a house, named the Kawagoi, or “River Carps”, for Toyofumi’s stewardship of the Koigawa River. The lands and forces granted to the newly formed house were not the whole area he had helped keep safe, however. In fact, they were somewhat limited – other, more traditional and influential lords had needs for their heirs, after all, and some members of the larger house the Kawagoi split from had participated more directly in the fighting and wanted their share as well – and in some cases felt more deserving of it than Toyofumi.

In the end, the newly founded house got two square ri of lands along the Koigawa river – which Lord Toyofumi made sure to oversee to make the most of.

Thanks to the balance maintained during the war, the house was able to develop more or less uneventfully since then, making the most of the Rokugani millet and rice crops grown in their wetlands, as well as the bounty from the river – freshwater crab, fish and other foodstuffs, as well as wild koi carps which they sell for ornamental purposes. House Kawagoi was found to be largely free of Kolat influence during the purge, leaving it at least mostly unaffected by its turbulence.

The house is currently in its third generation. After losing his two eldest children, one to a border conflict and one to disease, Toyofumi passed the house’s control to his third child, Tsuyoshi, in 436 – the new Lord’s youngest brothers and sisters all eventually left to join other Houses, in the Crab and Crane.

The house’s current head, Lady Satomi, took the helm at the age of 21, in 458, after her father Tsuyoshi died, aged 45, under mysterious circumstances serving in court near the Lion-Crane border. Some in the House suspected foul play; House founder Toyofumi, long retired and 82 at the time, died months later, some say of sadness due to his child’s unexplained death. Lady Satomi’s brother and sister, respectively 14 and 7 when she took the helm, greatly support her in all things to this day, and the house has kept its peace and monetary success under her guidance for over two decades now.

Under Lady Satomi’s guidance, the money which they managed to secure during wartime and especially after its end became an additional source of income in itself as the Kawagoi lean into "investments" of a similar sort to those Yasuki Daimyo Yasuki Amiko has been leading the family towards, and other houses more affected by war and other problems among the Crab and Crane (and eventually other clans) sometimes need more short-term liquidity than they have the means for.

To this day, the House still maintains closer ties to the Crane, particularly the Asahina and house Tani, than most in the Yasuki and the Crab at large do – probably closer than many are comfortable with. In fact, there is a history of inter-House marriages involving the Kawagoi and the Crane.

Eight years ago, the fourth child of the Lady’s sister died, at the age of nine, after catching a sudden disease. Two years after that, the fourth child of the Lady’s brother drowned, also at the age of nine. Since those recent events, the house takes the superstitions involving the relation of the number four (‘shi’) with death very seriously – and similarly tends to avoid unneeded risks involving the number nine.

Some rustling leaves in and around Kawagoi lands say there’s some recent friction involving the house’s young heir. But, given the Lady’s siblings' strong support of her guidance, it’s unlikely that internecine conflict will be happening anytime soon.

That is, of course, unless unrecognised tensions might be boiling beneath the surface in the new generation.

Known Characters
House Founder: Kawagoi Toyofumi (川鯉 豊史) [Deceased, 376-458; House Head 399-436] – Lady Satomi’s grandfather.
Founder’s Spouse: Kawagoi Touka (川鯉 冬歌) [Deceased, 379-463] – Lady Satomi’s Grandmother.

Current and previous generation:
Head: Lady Kawagoi Satomi (川鯉 叡深) [Influence 3, Courtier, born 437 (49 years old); House Head since 458].
Consort: Lord Kawagoi (née Tani) Kazumichi (川鯉 和道) [Influence 2, Shugenja, born 435 (51 years old)].

Former Head: Lord Kawagoi Tsuyoshi (川鯉 剛史) [Deceased, 413-458; House Head 436-458] – Lady Satomi’s Father, Founder Toyofumi’s third (and oldest surviving) child.
Head’s Mother: Lady Kawagoi (née Tani) Sayaka (川鯉 雅果) [Influence 2, Shugenja, born 417 (69 years old)] – Lady Satomi’s mother.

Heir: Kawagoi Masaki (雅咲) [Influence 2, Courtier/Shugenja, born 462 (24 years old), Female]
Heir’s Brother: Kawagoi Toshiyuki (敏行) [Influence 1, Bushi, born 464 (22 years old), Male]

Lady’s Brother: Kawagoi Hidekazu (秀和) [Influence 2, Courtier, born 444 (42 years old), Male] – Lady Satomi’s brother, second child of lord Tsuyoshi.
Spouse: Kawagoi (née Tani) Nanaka (菜々花) [Influence 1, Courtier, born 448 (38 years old), Female] – Hidekazu’s wife.
Child 1: Kawagoi Yukari (縁) [Influence 1, Bushi, born 467 (19 years old), Female]
Child 2: Kawagoi Haruto (治夫) [Influence 1, Bushi, born 469 (17 years old), Male]
Child 3: Kawagoi Hiroyuki (洋之) [Influence 1, Bushi in training, born 470 (16 years old), Male]
Child 4: Kawagoi Rina (梨菜) [Deceased, drowned at age 9, 471-480, Female]
Child 5: Kawagoi Souichirou (聡一郎) [Influence 1, Courtier in training, born 473 (13 years old), Male]
Child 6: Kawagoi Junko (純子) [Influence 1, Courtier in training, born 474 (12 years old), Female]

Lady’s Sister: Kawagoi Kiseki (奇跡) [Influence 2, Shugenja, born 451 (35 years old), Female] – Lady Satomi’s youngest siter, third child of lord Tsuyoshi.
Spouse: Kawagoi (née Shiozaki) Ayaka (綾香) [Influence 1, Courtier, born 447 (39 years old), Female] – Kiseki’s wife.
Child 1: Kawagoi Miki (美希) [Influence 1, Courtier, born 467 (19 years old), Female]
Child 2 (twin): Kawagoi Kousuke (康介) [Influence 1, Courtier, born 468 (18 years old), Male] – Yoshimi’s Twin.
Child 3 (twin): Kawagoi Yoshimi (介美) [Inrluence 1, Courtier, born 468 (18 years old), Female] – Kousuke’s Twin.
Child 4: Kawagoi Yukino (雪乃) [Deceased, perished from a disease at age 9, 469-478, Female].
Child 5: Kawagoi Saya (沙弥) [Influence 1, Bushi in training, born 470 (16 years old), Female]
Child 6: Kawagoi Satoshi (智) [Influence 1, Shugenja in training, born 471 (15 years old), Male]

(Note: Crab, Yasuki and especially any other players who join the house may have heard some gossip on relationships among people in the house!)
(Note 2: If other players are interested in joining the house, adding other people to the house is always a possibility!)
GM * Man of Angles * Sionnach * Scealai * Hamanri's Vessel

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Re: Other Houses, Other Clans

Post by Cearnach » Thu Jan 02, 2025 3:02 pm

House: House Morikawa of the Matsu

This family is situated deep within the woods along the river. Without much suitable farmland, they are not known for their wealth but instead their prestigious warriors. Their elite cadre serves the clan well, a dream for any member to aspire for.

Events (Ancient) - 6 Total
1. Ascent: +2 Influence, +4 Lands, +4 Power, +5 Wealth
All within House Morikawa hold Iwao with the utmost esteem. The man had stood among the retainers of Matsu herself.
2. Scandal: -4 Influence, -5 Lands, -6 Power
For all his abilities as a warrior and patriarch, age took its toll on Iwao. None dared to even suggest that he abdicate in his waning years. His greatest folly was his permissiveness; he allowed his great-granddaughter to abscond from her betrothal. Soon after many in the family chose love over duty.
3. Madness: +3 Defense, +4 Lands, -2 Law, -1 Population, -2 Wealth
If overly romantic tendencies were their worst flaw, then House Morikawa would not be so burdened. But this often transforms into obsession even long past a tryst’s natural conclusion. In one instance, the reigning Matriarch (the family had adopted the practice since Iwao) Harumi became so paranoid over perceived betrayals happening that she began overly investing in hiding away in fortifications.
4. Invasion/Revolt: -9 Law, -2 Population, -2 Power, -5 Wealth
The policies set by Harumi, and her immediate descendants, led to a period of outright tyranny in their lands. It culminated in a time seldom mentioned outside of closed doors, the NIghts of Sorrow. Some say that the rivers and the fields ran red with blood, sending everyone into destitute famine. The truth has been lost to time.
5. Infrastructure: +3 Law, +3 Power
The lessons learned from the Nights of Sorrow were to crack down on dissidents before anything could happen again. Peasants were completely disarmed, leaving only a small contingent of samurai to deal with any problems that required martial might. While it solved an immediate problem, the reforms did not change the family’s trajectory. The decline was merely delayed.
6. Madness: -1 Defense, -1 Influence, +3 Lands, -3 Population, -1 Power, -3 Wealth
Obsession reared its ugly head within the reigning Matriarch once more. She sent many of her retainers to pursue a man who had left her wanting, leaving her fiefdom to fend for itself. Such was the extent of the damage she caused that her heir decided to cull such sentimentality within her bloodline. Whether or not her efforts succeeded is left to be determined…

Final Resources
Defense - 28
House Morikawa has fortified their little enclave with sturdy walls, not enough to be named a castle but the dream is there someday if they acquire the necessary resources.
Influence - 18
Once an up-and-coming name, House Morikawa has been relatively isolated from court, managing only its affairs within the woods.
Lands - 32
Small Town, Dense Woods, River, Road, Grassland. Essentially overlooking a river in the middle of the woods!
Law - 20
After decades of questionable leadership, the land has slid into chaos. Scions are desperate to find a way to reverse the family's trajectory.
Population - 27
There are plenty of people still around despite all that has happened with the lineage. Without all the turmoil, however, there would have been so much more.
Power - 40
Veteran Lion’s Pride, Trained Support, Trained Scouts, Trained Samurai Infantry. Throughout the struggles, none can question that House Morikawa commands great warriors to participate in any cause the clan requires of them.
Wealth - 8
There's not much suitable farmland available for them. In addition, they've never been one for commerce, thereby wasting any potential advantage of their location.
GM * Man of Angles * Sionnach * Scealai * Hamanri's Vessel

A light wind swept over the corn, and all nature laughed in the sunshine.---Anne Bronte

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Re: Other Houses, Other Clans

Post by Kitsu Sayomi » Thu Jan 02, 2025 7:55 pm

House Tatsukawa
Clan: Lion
Family: Kitsu
Founding: Gozoku-era
Location:Southeast of Shrine of the Water Dragon (Hex 020.020)
Map location
housetatsukawa.png (258.53 KiB) Viewed 217 times
Defence: 22
- simple fortifications for a remote location, the resources of the house is stretched thin to keep the lands safe.

Influence: 34
- a substantial minor house, Tatsukawa has kept a good amount of influence thanks to its glorious founding and the favor enjoyed by the Lion Champion Akodo Kurojin.

Lands: 30
- a small town with a river and stream, lots of grasslands, and light woods. The lands of House Tatsukawa is varied as expected by the westernmost Lion territories.

Law: 11
- lawlessness plagues this little keep on the borderlands, even after most of the bandits were killed recently in a big push against them.

Population: 31
- a modest population; one town and smaller villages. Majority of the people living in the area are either peasants or monks.

Power: 25
- House Tatsukawa maintains a respectable force to answer the call of the Lion Champion, but is mostly used to patrol and maintain their borders, and be on the lookout for yobanjin or bandits.

Wealth: 15
- While House Tatsukawa oversee fertile lands that also supplies lumber, they are not a wealthy house compared to many.

Events (5)

Military units
Ashigaru Archers [100 ashigaru], Trained (6 points)
Cavalry [25 samurai], Trained (8 points)
Engineers [25 samurai], Green (5 points)
Scouts [100 ashigaru], Green (3 points)
Support [25 samurai], Green (3 points)

During the Gozoku-era, a humble group residing near the Dragon Lake would prove their usefulness to the allies of the rightful Empress Yugozohime. Consisting of humble Kitsu priests and monks that formerly were samurai of the Lion Clan, this little group were able to provide a safe haven to those persecuted for resisting the Gozoku's control in the courts, as the area was treated more as a spiritual retreat. According to the Ikoma Records, Empress Yugozohime in her youth rested for one night in the town by the river. As the Gozoku were cast down by the Daughter Of Heaven, the Lion Clan Champion at the time thanked the group by the Dragon Lake and acknowledged their importance. In return, they were rewarded stewardship of more of the land there to care for as well as more samurai and heimin to their number, all under the command of Kitsu Kichiro - known as the first Lord Tatsukawa.

However, the young House Tatsukawa's initial glory would take a rough hit early on, as many of the newly settled heimin lost their new homes to a particularly heavy flooding of the river, which left many homeless and also interfered with important parts of the planting season. All this led to some hard years in the infancy of the House.

In response to this Tatsukawa Kichiro became desperate to make sure all the folks under his protection would have enough to make it through the winters, and he attempted to cheat the taxes to the Imperial coffers. It didn't take long to be discovered and it cast a dark cloud of shame upon the House, which was only cleansed away by Kichiro's death and the mercy of the Lion Champion. The good will they had gained for their previous actions were now lost and would have to be gained anew.

Years of quiet stability would take hold of the House following its rough beginning, except for the occasional problem with banditry this far away from the heartlands of the Lion. The Tatsukawa alas were not prepared for a large influx of banditry that would come to plague their lands. A bandit king from the borderlands had amassed a lot of swords to stake a claim on the unassuming area, and they led a horrible invasion of the outlying villages and farms. It would be the current Lord Tatsukawa that led the counter-offensive that reconquered the lost territory and felled the bandit king in single combat. This incident earned some newfound fame and glory for the House, leading them to gain some recognition again in the eyes of their kin.

Main Characters
Lord Tatsukawa Sano [Shugenja, Influence 4]
Lady Tatsukawa Reiko [Lord Sano's Consort. Shugenja, Influence 3]
Heir: Tatsukawa Sayomi [Only child of Sano and Reiko. Bushi, Influence 3]
Tatsukawa Rini

Other Characters
Tatsukawa Ichigiku, deceased [Sano’s sister]
Tatsukawa Kazuya [Sano’s brother]
Tatsukawa Saburo, deceased [Sano’s brother]
Tatsukawa Jin [Sano’s cousin]
Tatsukawa Sayaka, deceased [Sano’s sister]
Lion Clan • House Tatsukawa • Bushi • Idealist • Warrior Poet • Darling of Kyuden Ikoma
Honour: A Soul Above Question • Glory: 3.0 • Status: 1.0 (2.0) • Influence: 3
Has: Daisho (with the sword Yorukaze), small statue of ancestor, origami paper, fan, scent of hinoki wood (carried in a scented sachet)

"Oh, for a voice like thunder; And a tongue to drown the throat of war. When the senses are shaken and the soul is driven to madness, Who can stand?" - William Blake

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Re: Other Houses, Other Clans

Post by Cearnach » Fri Jan 03, 2025 3:39 am

Name: Suitai (Ikoma)
Location: (035,027)

Defense: 7
Influence: 0
Lands: 5
Law: 5
Population: 9
Power: 6
Wealth: 4

Age: Ancient
1. Doom--the last gasp of the glory of the tribes.
2. Glory--Fought gloriously against the curse of the 9th kami
3. Doom--Plague.
4. Doom--Crop Blight
5. Madness--Grandfather was Cursed by Lord Moon

No structues can be purchased for less than 10 points

1 ri of plains with a river [5 points spent]

Trained Scouts (5 points, TN 23 battle needed to command them)

Background History: A small town that has known a great deal of strife, House Suitai has stood the test of time. How well they did is up to debate, but with 3 surviving kids and both parents alive. The main house has enough members to maintain stability, however there are a bunch of mouths to feed. Ikoma Tanji has a total of 11 aunts and uncles to consider. Alas, they won't be playing too big a role in this stage, but what all can he do to help his family, Tanji will.

Lord Suitai Saito (Influence 1)
Lady Suitai Haru (Influence 1)

Suitai Yamada (Brother) (Influence 1)
Suitai Kai (Sister) (Influence 1)

Grandpa Suitai (Influence 1)
Grandma Suitai (Influence 1)
GM * Man of Angles * Sionnach * Scealai * Hamanri's Vessel

A light wind swept over the corn, and all nature laughed in the sunshine.---Anne Bronte

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Re: Other Houses, Other Clans

Post by Cearnach » Fri Jan 03, 2025 2:27 pm

House Yoshinobu of the Isawa

Name: Yoshinobu
Location: 090.009

Defense: 6
Influence: 34
Lands: 20
Law: 18
Population: 15
Power: 6
Wealth: 30

Age: Recent, Gozoku era
Events: 4
1. Scandal: -1d6 to influence, lands, power (-1, -6, -6 resp)
2. Infrastructure: +1d6 to influence and power (+1, +2, resp)
3. Scandal: -1d6 to influence, lands, power (-2-2-5, resp)
4. Villain: +1d6 influence, -1d6 law and -1d6 population, +1d6 power (2, 5, 4, 1, resp)

Maybe an extra deep irrigation trench? [0]

1 ri of Plains with a hamlet and 1 ri of Plains with light woods and a stream [19]

1 unit of trained garrison [5]

Founded in 433 (recently, four house history events), in the aftermath of a Scandal within the Isawa family near the end of the Gozoku era. Although records are somewhat vague and confusing about the exact events, the result was creation of House Yoshinobu to administer the lands near Asahina Seido with their studied wisdom and fidelity to truth. The first Lord Yoshinobu - and most of his descendants, in truth - remained forever indignant that they were not given the honor of administering the shrine and its immediate environs. Sadly, the house founder saw little of his family's growth, passing away unexpectedly from illness in 440 (age 47). His son and granddaughter would lead the Yoshinobu for the next 28 years, generally overseeing prosperity but with the famously stubborn Yoshinobu Haruko dying alongside some of the house's best troops in a dispute of honor with House __, who the Yoshinobu had documented as __.

Yoshinobu Junpei was probably too young to assume leadership of the house at only 18, but as neither of his parents were of much nurturing value, perhaps he was as prepared as he could be. Through hard work and strong will - and a fortunately loving and supportive marriage set up by his father - Junpei has kept the house reasonably strong, even as his younger siblings have preceded him in death and he was forced to face down a challenge to the Yoshinobu support of House Goda of the Shiba in an inter-familial dispute with House Miwa of the Isawa. Perhaps politically unwise, given the weakening of House Goda, the Yoshinobu had studied the dispute and saw clearly where the Miwa wished to skirt clan law and gain an advantage at the expense of the weakened Goda. Junpei denounced the position of his distant cousins in the Miwa, and thus did a small force of Miwa warriors appear in the Yoshinobu lands to defend their honor. After some maneuvers and counter maneuvers and a duel between champions, both Yoshinobu Junpei and the Miwa had their honor intact, though the events left the Yoshinobu peasantry alarmed and questioning the security to be counted upon from an allegedly pacifistic ruling house. And although the conflict was officially resolved, there remain some hard feelings among a handful of Miwa who see Junpei as a villain - a provocateur and rabble rouser - and a few particularly indignant and righteous Yoshinobu.

Already worn down by years of leadership, the conflict with House Miwa significantly damaged the health of Lord Junpei and led to his prompt retirement from running the house on his 45th birthday. Fortunately, Junpei and his wife had done much to prepare their eldest son, Shingo, to take leadership of the House, and they remain supportive advisors without interfering in his decisions.

Lord Yoshinobu Shingo [Influence 4]

Yoshinobu Saori, Earth shugenja [Influence 3]
Yoshinobu Agetoki [Influence 2]
Yoshinobu Sakura? [Influence 1]

Retired lord Yoshinobu Junpei [Influence 2]
Retired lady Yoshinobu Toyoko [Influence 2]
GM * Man of Angles * Sionnach * Scealai * Hamanri's Vessel

A light wind swept over the corn, and all nature laughed in the sunshine.---Anne Bronte

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Re: Other Houses, Other Clans

Post by Cearnach » Fri Jan 03, 2025 2:55 pm

Tetsumura of the Hiruma

Defense: 43
Influence: 3
Lands: 14
Law: 20
Population: 12
Power: 26
Wealth: 27

Age: Established
Events: Six

Event 1: Glory
Event 2: Madness
Event 3: Scandal
Event 4: Doom
Event 5: Decline
Event 6: Infrastructure


Defense: 43
1 Castle

Influence: 3
Rank 1
Minor landed Samurai and his Kin.

Land Holdings: 14
Terrain Mountain: 7 Points

* Stream: 1 Point
* Light Woods: 3 points

Law: 20
11-20: Lawlessness and banditry are an issue along the fringes of your territory.
- 5 to house fortunes

Population: 12
Small population
+ 0 to house fortunes

Power Holdings 26 points
Veteran Scouts: 7 Points
Veteran Samurai: infantry: 11 Points
Veteran Garrison: 7 points

Wealth 27: = 5400 Koku of assets.

Tetsumura Hayato was a Hero, or at least that's how his family remembers him to this day. A Gunso commanding a group of scouts, he stumbled upon a large contingent of goblins moving to attack into the depths of the crab lands. Clever tactics and a shrewd mind, had him lead the disgusting creatures into a trap, eliminating the threat. For his actions and valor in the battle itself he was granted a section of land in the twilight mountains containing a newly discovered Iron mine. Things were going well, during the time of Hayato and his son, the mine brought the family riches, and a new castle to guard the family's mine was quickly built. 180 or more years is a long time though, and many different problems can arrive. It was in the time of Hayato's grandson that things began to go wrong. Jun was an intelligent man, though perhaps more than a little self centered, and overly fond of alcohol and Koku. In an effort to try and increase the Iron production on their mines he tried all manner of things. Some of which the average Rokugani would find revolting and when those outside the house learned of his doings the family suffered for the shame brought on by their head. Shame his son Takumi had to try and overcome, as his father Jun was forced to atone for his sins for his life.

What intelligence his father had though, Takumi lacked and while he managed not to embarrass the family further he did nothing to advance it's cause, and so it went for the next few decades. The family at peace, if not prosperity, that all changed though when disaster struck. The Hiruma lands are dangerous at the best of times, and when disaster struck they were woefully unprepared. A combined force of Goblins and Ogre struck, wreaking havoc through the family's lands. Butchering the locals and causing damage to the surroundings. An attack the family barely managed to weather, they survived though and with survival comes the chance to grow. Even if slowly, and while the family declined in influence as the years passed, the wish to return to the golden days of old was never forgotten. A task the current head Satoru has decided to see come to fruition. He has big plans for his family, and they can't stay the way they are forever.

Tetsumura Satoru: 59 - Ill Equipped parent https://sakkaku.org/r/15506
Tetsumura Kiyoko: 50 - Loving Parent https://sakkaku.org/r/15507
Kids 16+1= 17 Six Siblings https://sakkaku.org/r/15508

4 Sons, 2 Daughters https://sakkaku.org/r/15509
1 Dead https://sakkaku.org/r/15510

Son: Tetsumaru Daichi
Son: Deceased

Dads Family
6 Kids
5 Sisters
2 Dead
Aunt 1
Uncle 1
Cousin: Female
Aunt 2
Uncle 2
Cousin: Male
Cousin: Male Deceased
Aunt 3 Married out
GM * Man of Angles * Sionnach * Scealai * Hamanri's Vessel

A light wind swept over the corn, and all nature laughed in the sunshine.---Anne Bronte

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Re: Other Houses, Other Clans

Post by Cearnach » Fri Jan 03, 2025 3:06 pm

Kuroyama of the Kuni


Clan: Crab

Family: Kuni

House History: Established 1 (https://sakkaku.org/r/15380)

· Event 1: 6 (https://sakkaku.org/r/15381)

Defeat: Your family fought a war or smaller conflict but was defeated, losing status, precious resources, and influence. If defeat is your first roll, your family might have been swallowed up by another house or forced to marry into a lesser branch until your main bloodline became all but extinct.

Extra Points: 6 (https://sakkaku.org/r/15379)

Defence: 43 (+15, https://sakkaku.org/r/15372) - 3 (https://sakkaku.org/r/15382) = 40

· Castle (40)

Influence: 14 (-15, https://sakkaku.org/r/15373) - 5 (https://sakkaku.org/r/15383) = 9

· 1-10: A minor landed samurai and his immediate kin.

Lands: 34 (+5, https://sakkaku.org/r/15374) - 2 (https://sakkaku.org/r/15384) = 32

· Mountains 7

· Hamlet 10

· Ruin 9

· River 3

· Grassland 1

Law: 23 (0, https://sakkaku.org/r/15375) = 23

· 21-30: The typical level of Law in Rokugan. Crime may happen, but it is almost never seen to be happening without a swift return to order.

· -2 House Fortunes Modifier

Population: 22 (-5, https://sakkaku.org/r/15376) - 6 (https://sakkaku.org/r/15385) = 16

· 11-20: Small population but no community larger than a small town.

· +0 House Fortunes Modifier

Power: 38 (10, https://sakkaku.org/r/15377) - 5 (https://sakkaku.org/r/15386) = 33

· Shugenja, 8 points, +3 TN - Elite, 7 points, Discipline TN0, 140 xp

· Samurai Archers, 5 points, +1 TN - Elite, 7 points, Discipline TN0, 140 xp

· Ashigaru Infantry, 4 points, +1 tn - 1 pt. Discipline: Challenging (Tn 25), 20 xp

Wealth: 34/28+6 (0 , https://sakkaku.org/r/15378) - 5 (https://sakkaku.org/r/15387) = 29

Location: 033.155

House Kuroyama was among the first practitioners of Shadowbinding that were first discovered by Kuni Ikashi and made it their specialty when it came to their function and livelihood. The Crab lands weren’t particularly forgiving when it came to their close proximity to the Shadowlands. Despite the Crab’s efforts, there were denizens who would wander into the lands and terrorize the populace. That made it especially hard to pull peasants to work in the mines, considering their harsh conditions and low morale didn’t make for fruitful productions. Thankfully, Kuni Ikashi’s efforts would allow the Crab to supplement another labour by enslaving mujina that roamed the lands and turning their trickery against them. House Kuroyama functioned as mine surveyors, overseers, and engineers for the iron mines that were found in the remote Kuni lands.

However, the House was plagued in the last century by not creatures of the Shadowlands but bandits. The mines they oversaw were often under assault by roaming ronin bands that attempted to take advantage of the vulnerabilities of the remote Kuni lands, considering the Crab were already divided in an attempt to halt the approach of the Shadowlands and that allowed for threats coming from the wilderness of the north to be overlooked. Despite their best efforts, the House would face a great loss when an organized bandit raid razed the village and stole the precious minerals.

House Kuroyama was well regarded for their talents and the pleas from the surviving members of the house allowed them to be transplanted east of the Kuni lands to the Yasuki lands. They were given new mines to manage and a rather generous garrison to ensure that iron production would continue without interruption, as well as guard the family and their experiments. The small House would enjoy prosperity within the more guarded region of the Crab lands.

Admittedly, they had begun branching off from their experimentation of manipulation of mujina, looking into other means to plying manipulation of other creatures from beyond the Mortal realm. A segment of the House considered using such means on humans as well and has delved into trickery, rudimentary feudal psychology, and pseudo-hypnotism. Of course, such endeavours are in their infancy and the House has very secretive when it comes to new research. As a result, however, the Kuni of House Kuroyama begun looking outward to more social and political pursuits. There are few outside the House who know if they are doing this to find allies, means to pursue their research, or merely to test out some of their findings.
GM * Man of Angles * Sionnach * Scealai * Hamanri's Vessel

A light wind swept over the corn, and all nature laughed in the sunshine.---Anne Bronte

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