Hoshiko shakes her head. "Egawa-sama's personal preferences were not relayed to the delegation. However, as he is the Champion's cousin, I believe we would have been told that certain types of matches were unacceptable if he were not open to them as even political matches. Marriages should be harmonious, but there are many paths to harmony. I'll make sure to ask Doji-ue, just to be certain, however." Given that the briefs they had included details like "no Scorpion!" for other candidates, she suspected that would have been included.
"But I do think you're right that Isawa-san is likely able to manage a temper. And he is said to be skilled with the element of water as well as air, so I believe their professional interests would greatly align."
She nods to hear their needs. "I'm happy for you that your material needs are so slight this season, and we can easily supply what bit of silver you can use." There's no point in quibbling there, when the material trade is already lopsided.
As to the intangibles...support, and symbolic support through visits and the like. This was honestly the proper stock and trade of the Crane. "A centrally available library seems like a valuable idea. Would you hope to replicate the Asako library holdings there?" It would offer the Phoenix a cultural power in the capitol, and certainly set them up strongly as leaders of some sort in the knowledge trade...which they already were, to be honest. Who would oppose? The Ikoma perhaps...wanting their histories to be pre-eminent. Imperial factions preferring to restrict cultural power. "Hmm, I suspect Crane leadership would prefer a stake in such an institution if they support it...work something out about access or oversight of something like the performing arts or literature sections."
Would that compete with the Academy? Not directly. And such a collection was likely to highlight how important the Academy was in historical movements.
"As to Asahina-sama, he's not here this season to ask directly, though scholarly consultation is something most of us," meaning most shugenja, " jump at. I can discuss with Doji Minehime-sama, who no doubt would need to authorize such a thing in any case. But that all seems reasonable at least."