[D4, ME] Yuna at the library (open)
- Agasha Yuna
- Posts: 1236
- Joined: Sun Dec 29, 2024 9:13 pm
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[D4, ME] Yuna at the library (open)
Yuna had at last secured on-going access to the library, in her conversation earlier with Ikoma Ryota-sama.
But her immediate attention after that meeting had focused on getting everything ready for the dinner with Otomo Mariko-sama, in the early evening.
So it was middle evening when she made her way to the Ikoma library.
She stopped first at the altar at the shrine, and made prayer and offering. "Thank you Tenjin for writing, for written words, for literature, for all the knowledge preserved in writing, for libraries and librarians, for history and truth. Guide me to the words that will do the most good, that more might be written and more might be read."
She was friendly with the librarian staff, continuing to build relationships, and chatting with them about their roles.
And, at last, she got to work, searching for volumes relevant to the following question. She had on-going access. She could afford to go slowly and carefully. A tight focus.
“When you are doing one thing, be concerned with that one thing and nothing else. Distraction breeds disaster.”
Question: A list of imperial educational initiatives approved by the imperial court, including date and topic.
On future days, she could research these examples, one by one, searching for the impact, and any unexpected or negative consquences. Or realize she must look at clan-level examples to find more examples, etc.
https://sakkaku.org/r/16102 44 v TN20
[Note: Please don't feel like you have to make-up this entire list. Goal is to have a frame that she can follow-up on future days. Could be as simple as "You find only 1 example - it simply isn't commonly done, or you find 4 relevant items, or you find 20 relevant items and must prioritize, etc." Her goal is putting together a fair-minded truthful dossier of attempts and impacts.]
But her immediate attention after that meeting had focused on getting everything ready for the dinner with Otomo Mariko-sama, in the early evening.
So it was middle evening when she made her way to the Ikoma library.
She stopped first at the altar at the shrine, and made prayer and offering. "Thank you Tenjin for writing, for written words, for literature, for all the knowledge preserved in writing, for libraries and librarians, for history and truth. Guide me to the words that will do the most good, that more might be written and more might be read."
She was friendly with the librarian staff, continuing to build relationships, and chatting with them about their roles.
And, at last, she got to work, searching for volumes relevant to the following question. She had on-going access. She could afford to go slowly and carefully. A tight focus.
“When you are doing one thing, be concerned with that one thing and nothing else. Distraction breeds disaster.”
Question: A list of imperial educational initiatives approved by the imperial court, including date and topic.
On future days, she could research these examples, one by one, searching for the impact, and any unexpected or negative consquences. Or realize she must look at clan-level examples to find more examples, etc.
https://sakkaku.org/r/16102 44 v TN20
[Note: Please don't feel like you have to make-up this entire list. Goal is to have a frame that she can follow-up on future days. Could be as simple as "You find only 1 example - it simply isn't commonly done, or you find 4 relevant items, or you find 20 relevant items and must prioritize, etc." Her goal is putting together a fair-minded truthful dossier of attempts and impacts.]
Agasha Yuna * Courtier * Daughter to Lord Koda of House Ageki * Librarian * Karo (Advisor)
Status: 2.0 * Influence: 1 * Glory: 3.6
Shinsei: “Only when you are in the grave will you have nothing more to learn.”
Status: 2.0 * Influence: 1 * Glory: 3.6
Shinsei: “Only when you are in the grave will you have nothing more to learn.”
- Fukurokujin
- Posts: 862
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Re: [D4, ME] Yuna at the library (open)
The Ikoma Libraries themselves could be included among such ventures, having received Imperial Endorsement and, on at least one occasion, the Emperor's Blessing.
The Miya Archives are another, for what should be obvious reasons.
The Izaku Library, being an inter-Clan project, also qualifies. But you already knew that.
There are also major libraries at the Four Temples and Kyuden Seppun.
The promulgation of the Tao, although that has had...difficulties...as referenced in the Library.
Aside from those, there are no outstanding examples of Imperial educational initiatives. It seems that the Empire presently leaves schooling largely to the Clans, Families, Houses, and Temples.
Asst GM
"Is that wise?"
Asst GM
"Is that wise?"
Re: [D4, ME] Yuna at the library (open)
Another person walked about the halls of the library as well. Normally he would be much more directed in his studies, but today his mind was otherwise occupied. The scrolls calmed him as his mind continued to work on the puzzles that befuddled him.
Eventually he came upon the studying Dragon woman… His mind stopped and then his feet.
He smiled softly and bowed in respect.
“Good evening Agasha-sama. I see you have been granted access to the library.”
Eventually he came upon the studying Dragon woman… His mind stopped and then his feet.
He smiled softly and bowed in respect.
“Good evening Agasha-sama. I see you have been granted access to the library.”
Monk * Four Temples * Sage * Voice * Prodigy * One-Arm
Status: 0 * Influence: N/A * Glory: 2.5 * Honor: Exceptional
Status: 0 * Influence: N/A * Glory: 2.5 * Honor: Exceptional
- Agasha Yuna
- Posts: 1236
- Joined: Sun Dec 29, 2024 9:13 pm
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Re: [D4, ME] Yuna at the library (open)
She smiled brightly to see him. "Jihen-san." She bowed deeply.
"Yes, Ikoma-sama gave me on-going access. I am so glad to see you. I had been hoping to have a chance to thank you for all your help. First, your research in pulling the resources on Gobai was impeccable. You are quite the scholar. And second, helping me be present here at the library on yesterday of all days proved fortuitous. I quietly shared some experience with a librarian on inspecting scrolls for damage after an event - chatting librarian to librarian - and she helped me secure a meeting with Ikoma-sama."
And now she was surrounded by a pile of resources focused more on imperial initiatives and imperially endorsed libraries.
"Did you go out to the mine? Have you learned anything more about the cause?"
"I plan to write to my family tonight so they might share their deep experience in this area. But the more detail I can provide, the better they will be able to advise and answer."
"Yes, Ikoma-sama gave me on-going access. I am so glad to see you. I had been hoping to have a chance to thank you for all your help. First, your research in pulling the resources on Gobai was impeccable. You are quite the scholar. And second, helping me be present here at the library on yesterday of all days proved fortuitous. I quietly shared some experience with a librarian on inspecting scrolls for damage after an event - chatting librarian to librarian - and she helped me secure a meeting with Ikoma-sama."
And now she was surrounded by a pile of resources focused more on imperial initiatives and imperially endorsed libraries.
"Did you go out to the mine? Have you learned anything more about the cause?"
"I plan to write to my family tonight so they might share their deep experience in this area. But the more detail I can provide, the better they will be able to advise and answer."
Agasha Yuna * Courtier * Daughter to Lord Koda of House Ageki * Librarian * Karo (Advisor)
Status: 2.0 * Influence: 1 * Glory: 3.6
Shinsei: “Only when you are in the grave will you have nothing more to learn.”
Status: 2.0 * Influence: 1 * Glory: 3.6
Shinsei: “Only when you are in the grave will you have nothing more to learn.”
Re: [D4, ME] Yuna at the library (open)
"I am glad to hear it. Ikoma-sama obviously could not resist your forthrightness." He replied with a smile.
"I did not travel out to the mine. My master advised me to entrust in the capacities of our gracious hosts. I can not save the world single-handedly." He offered another smile.
"But I have indeed been reflecting upon the causes for such calamity so close to the Imperial Court. I have little more than conjecture, to be honest. Very little of which I am sure... just troubled by the possible implications for our days."
He then continued, "But perhaps I may be a dense stone on which to whet your keen blade of intellect. Is there something you have found that brings questions to your mind?"
"I did not travel out to the mine. My master advised me to entrust in the capacities of our gracious hosts. I can not save the world single-handedly." He offered another smile.
"But I have indeed been reflecting upon the causes for such calamity so close to the Imperial Court. I have little more than conjecture, to be honest. Very little of which I am sure... just troubled by the possible implications for our days."
He then continued, "But perhaps I may be a dense stone on which to whet your keen blade of intellect. Is there something you have found that brings questions to your mind?"
Monk * Four Temples * Sage * Voice * Prodigy * One-Arm
Status: 0 * Influence: N/A * Glory: 2.5 * Honor: Exceptional
Status: 0 * Influence: N/A * Glory: 2.5 * Honor: Exceptional
- Agasha Yuna
- Posts: 1236
- Joined: Sun Dec 29, 2024 9:13 pm
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Re: [D4, ME] Yuna at the library (open)
"I too stayed at court. It was the right thing to do as a guest. Any help is best offered very gently and quietly, and only if the host welcomes it."
"Still, it is good to understand so help of that more welcome kind can be offered."
"In my recollection of my family's experience of earthquakes, there are three potential causes. The local earth kami are disturbed because of something they perceive which we may not yet perceive, the fortune Kyufoki is displeased, or someone specifically did something to move earth - tunneling, digging, shugenja magic - that had downstream consequences."
"So, I think the first question is - did anyone speak to the local earth kami? Are we aware of something troubling them here?"
"Still, it is good to understand so help of that more welcome kind can be offered."
"In my recollection of my family's experience of earthquakes, there are three potential causes. The local earth kami are disturbed because of something they perceive which we may not yet perceive, the fortune Kyufoki is displeased, or someone specifically did something to move earth - tunneling, digging, shugenja magic - that had downstream consequences."
"So, I think the first question is - did anyone speak to the local earth kami? Are we aware of something troubling them here?"
Agasha Yuna * Courtier * Daughter to Lord Koda of House Ageki * Librarian * Karo (Advisor)
Status: 2.0 * Influence: 1 * Glory: 3.6
Shinsei: “Only when you are in the grave will you have nothing more to learn.”
Status: 2.0 * Influence: 1 * Glory: 3.6
Shinsei: “Only when you are in the grave will you have nothing more to learn.”
Re: [D4, ME] Yuna at the library (open)
"It is difficult to know for sure. Priests speak to the kami on a daily basis... Hopefully in a manner which pleases them and encourages them to protect us..." He began.
"There was quite the disturbance a few hours ago... Where the kami seemed quite... unbalanced. I'm sure those with a connection to that world were undoubtedly influenced as I was." He replied.
"It is also quite possible that the being we refer to as Kyufoki is displeased... The Fortunists may give some capricious cause for this displeasure as they are wont to do. But I find it difficult to understand the Fortunes when we attach such human emotions and desires upon them..."
He pauses, "It is known that Kyufoki has a special connection to the deity you showed interest in... The Fortune of Balance. The reasons for these things often get lost in time... But I do not wonder if it does not hint at something a bit more broad than the immediate actions of a few in this location. That there is some greater lack of balance that goes unwatched. Like the gradual erosion of stone after hundreds of years of trickling water..."
He continues, "The Earth, the Fortunes, and the greater truth behind the exterior forms we revere are aware of things we are not. Sometimes they speak to us softly... and other times they yell. I fear what should happen if we continue to ignore the shouts at us to return to balance."
"There was quite the disturbance a few hours ago... Where the kami seemed quite... unbalanced. I'm sure those with a connection to that world were undoubtedly influenced as I was." He replied.
"It is also quite possible that the being we refer to as Kyufoki is displeased... The Fortunists may give some capricious cause for this displeasure as they are wont to do. But I find it difficult to understand the Fortunes when we attach such human emotions and desires upon them..."
He pauses, "It is known that Kyufoki has a special connection to the deity you showed interest in... The Fortune of Balance. The reasons for these things often get lost in time... But I do not wonder if it does not hint at something a bit more broad than the immediate actions of a few in this location. That there is some greater lack of balance that goes unwatched. Like the gradual erosion of stone after hundreds of years of trickling water..."
He continues, "The Earth, the Fortunes, and the greater truth behind the exterior forms we revere are aware of things we are not. Sometimes they speak to us softly... and other times they yell. I fear what should happen if we continue to ignore the shouts at us to return to balance."
Monk * Four Temples * Sage * Voice * Prodigy * One-Arm
Status: 0 * Influence: N/A * Glory: 2.5 * Honor: Exceptional
Status: 0 * Influence: N/A * Glory: 2.5 * Honor: Exceptional
- Agasha Yuna
- Posts: 1236
- Joined: Sun Dec 29, 2024 9:13 pm
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Re: [D4, ME] Yuna at the library (open)
"I expect you are right. Something out of balance. But ... what? The Little Teacher says: "You cannot balance the elements while you are without balance."
"So, do we each need to seek greater balance within ourselves?"
"My research about Gobai showed an emphasis on balance as ... tranquility in the face of turbulence. Has there been haste where there should be patience? Panic where there should be calm? Something that should have been accepted, but was struggled against? A regrettable action taken from fear that now must be healed?"
"The Little Teacher also says: “While others lament on what they should have done, the wise man prepares for what he should do next.”
"What should we do next to find and heal the imbalance?"
"I expect you are right. Something out of balance. But ... what? The Little Teacher says: "You cannot balance the elements while you are without balance."
"So, do we each need to seek greater balance within ourselves?"
"My research about Gobai showed an emphasis on balance as ... tranquility in the face of turbulence. Has there been haste where there should be patience? Panic where there should be calm? Something that should have been accepted, but was struggled against? A regrettable action taken from fear that now must be healed?"
"The Little Teacher also says: “While others lament on what they should have done, the wise man prepares for what he should do next.”
"What should we do next to find and heal the imbalance?"
Agasha Yuna * Courtier * Daughter to Lord Koda of House Ageki * Librarian * Karo (Advisor)
Status: 2.0 * Influence: 1 * Glory: 3.6
Shinsei: “Only when you are in the grave will you have nothing more to learn.”
Status: 2.0 * Influence: 1 * Glory: 3.6
Shinsei: “Only when you are in the grave will you have nothing more to learn.”
Re: [D4, ME] Yuna at the library (open)
"If one throws one stone into a pond of foul water... They may see the ripples of the water as it flows out..."
He pauses, "But if one throws a thousand stones into the same spot... the pond moves outward..."
He continues, "A million stones? The pond is no more... the water finds an easier place to rest down the hill..."
He explains, "So it is with the Way... One living their life in harmony with the Way may leave ripples on the world. A thousand may begin to push the foulness away... But millions and beyond... living in harmony with the Way... can drive out all impurity."
He finishes, "It is upon us to be a stone... cast into the pond."
He pauses, "But if one throws a thousand stones into the same spot... the pond moves outward..."
He continues, "A million stones? The pond is no more... the water finds an easier place to rest down the hill..."
He explains, "So it is with the Way... One living their life in harmony with the Way may leave ripples on the world. A thousand may begin to push the foulness away... But millions and beyond... living in harmony with the Way... can drive out all impurity."
He finishes, "It is upon us to be a stone... cast into the pond."
Monk * Four Temples * Sage * Voice * Prodigy * One-Arm
Status: 0 * Influence: N/A * Glory: 2.5 * Honor: Exceptional
Status: 0 * Influence: N/A * Glory: 2.5 * Honor: Exceptional
- Agasha Yuna
- Posts: 1236
- Joined: Sun Dec 29, 2024 9:13 pm
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Re: [D4, ME] Yuna at the library (open)
She nodded.
"I will look for opportunities to increase tranquility and calm, and to restore anything that seems out of balance."
And perhaps her family would have more specific advice...
"I will look for opportunities to increase tranquility and calm, and to restore anything that seems out of balance."
And perhaps her family would have more specific advice...
Agasha Yuna * Courtier * Daughter to Lord Koda of House Ageki * Librarian * Karo (Advisor)
Status: 2.0 * Influence: 1 * Glory: 3.6
Shinsei: “Only when you are in the grave will you have nothing more to learn.”
Status: 2.0 * Influence: 1 * Glory: 3.6
Shinsei: “Only when you are in the grave will you have nothing more to learn.”
Re: [D4, ME] Yuna at the library (open)
He bowed, "As always... Seek wisdom within your self first. It will help you to know where to step as you start your journey."
Monk * Four Temples * Sage * Voice * Prodigy * One-Arm
Status: 0 * Influence: N/A * Glory: 2.5 * Honor: Exceptional
Status: 0 * Influence: N/A * Glory: 2.5 * Honor: Exceptional
- Agasha Yuna
- Posts: 1236
- Joined: Sun Dec 29, 2024 9:13 pm
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Re: [D4, ME] Yuna at the library (open)
"Thank you for your advice and help, Jihen-san. I truly appreciate it."
She bowed tp him.
(/scene? thanks!!)
She bowed tp him.
(/scene? thanks!!)
Agasha Yuna * Courtier * Daughter to Lord Koda of House Ageki * Librarian * Karo (Advisor)
Status: 2.0 * Influence: 1 * Glory: 3.6
Shinsei: “Only when you are in the grave will you have nothing more to learn.”
Status: 2.0 * Influence: 1 * Glory: 3.6
Shinsei: “Only when you are in the grave will you have nothing more to learn.”
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