(安喜家乃家臣 川鯉 雅咲; some write 魔咲 to taunt her)
Gender: Female
Occupation: Court shugenja. Occasional merchant patron (which Yasuki isn’t?)
Age: 24
Marital Status: Single in her mid-twenties and house Kawagoi heir. Quite the conundrum.
Height: 5’3”
Build: Willowy
Eyes: Chestnut-coloured
Hair: Dark auburn, long, usually bound up with a hairpin.
The hearsay
If some word about the heir to house Kawagoi may have reached the wider empire, the stories will probably have told of a polite, soft-spoken, relatively unimportant Asahina-trained court Shugenja. Withdrawn, or even naïve, according to some – quite the contrast to the cunning, to-the-point conventional image that the Yasuki have probably already started to cultivate by the end of the 5th century.
Some of those who frequented courts in and near eastern Yasuki and southern Crane lands in the last four or five years, or the few courts farther north Masaki has attended in that time, may have something different to say. Polite, soft-spoken, even unimportant – all that may hold, and some will even mention an interest In the arts – even if mainly simple ones. Despite all that, some of those who spent longer around her might note the contrast with the wily trader stereotype may not be as stark as one might think.
Some might mention signs of one who’s often wary of others – maybe a scar from the past? Others may assume the soft voice and sheepishness to be a ruse and say she’s the one to be wary of. Which of those versions is true is never quite agreed upon. Maybe both? Or something altogether different?
Given her unimportant position, Masaki’s presence in the Imperial Court may come as something of a surprise – and strongly suggests a good deal of manoeuvring to put her there. Those from the south of the Empire are likely to know who was pulling strings to make that happen. Unlike Masaki, her mother and house head Kawagoi Satomi is a well-known and successful courtier, present in previous Imperial Winter courts herself, and one can easily imagine her interests in sending her firstborn and heir to the main stage.
The fact that Masaki is 24 and unmarried might not be a coincidence as well, although as house heir any plans in that arena come with a number of conditions.
The Hooks:
- Clutching at straws: Masaki is often seen carrying pieces of straw of different colours and types, and she has a number of straw-plaited ornaments. Maybe you like them? Maybe you want something made for yourself?
- Burn marks: They are small, discreet and easily covered, but someone particularly perceptive looking while she moves may notice small scar-like marks on Masaki’s right ankle and forearm. Maybe there’s a story there?
- Fishy business: As the “River Carps”, house Kawagoi is unsurprisingly known for, well, carps – which they send far and wide for ornamental purposes. They’re also well-known for good quality river fish and other foodstuff from the river that cuts through their lands. Maybe you like fish? Maybe you’d like to make an order? Or maybe you’d like to try some sake? …
- Picky eater? Adventurous eater? - Masaki seems to take an interest in different types culinary traditions and ingredients and often seems excited about new things to try. At the same time, she seems to be *really* careful and meticulous when choosing what to actually eat. What’s up with that?
The house map - House Kawagoi Lands