Other Houses, Other Clans

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Re: Other Houses, Other Clans

Post by Cearnach » Sat Apr 06, 2024 12:51 am

House Miura of the Soshi
Defense: 26
Influence: 37
Lands: 35
Law: 38
Population: 20
Power: 29
Wealth: 21
Infrastructure (+6 wealth, +1 lands)
Favor (+6 inf, +5 land, +3 law, +2 pow)
Glory (+4 def, +6 inf, +6 law, +4 pow)

The Miura family were founded in the reign of Hantei Fujiwa when the Shimabukuro family split, one cousin inheriting from a shared uncle, and the other receiving a lump sum to found a town further along the valley. Since their founding, they have prospered in the favor of the main branch of the Soshi family. Indeed, Lady Tomori is the fourth daughter of the Soshi Daimyo. Even though Soshi Michiko, the Daimyo of the Soshi Family, has been increasingly difficult in the past few years, the Miura have been able to parlay her forebears’ friendship into a wide range of contacts that have sustained them through the period of her decline. Indeed, the Miura were an important element in convincing the Imperial Families to lessen their efforts to keep the Socrpion down after the Gozoku era, having provided several important members of Sadahako’s entourage during the reign of Hantei Muhaki, each of whom provided sterling service in the Imperial Court.

Lord Miura Kanata (loving parent) (Influence 4)
Lady Miura Tomori (loving parent) (Influence 3)

Son 1, deceased
Daughter 1 (Influence 3)
Daughter 2 (Influence 2)
Son 2 (Influence 1)
Son 3 (Influence 1)

Extended Family
Sister 1, deceased
Sister 2 (Influence 3)
Sister 2’s wife (Influence 2)
Brother 1 (Influence 2)
Brother 1’s wife (Influence 1)
Brother 2 (Influence 1)
Brother 2’s wife (Influence 1)
Sister 3, deceased
Sister 4 (Influence 1)
Sister 4’s husband (Influence 1)
Sister 2’s 1st son, deceased
Sister 2’s 2nd son (Influence 2)
Sister 2’s daughter (Influence 1)
Brother 1’s 1st son (Influence 1)
Brother 1’s 2nd son, deceased
Brother 1’s 3rd son (Influence 1)
Brother 2’s 1st son (Influence 1)
Brother 2’s 2nd son, deceased
Sister 4’s son, deceased
Sister 4’s 1st daughter, deceased
Sister 4’s 2nd daughter (Influence 1)
GM * Man of Angles * Sionnach * Scealai * Hamanri's Vessel

A light wind swept over the corn, and all nature laughed in the sunshine.---Anne Bronte

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Re: Other Houses, Other Clans

Post by Cearnach » Sat Apr 06, 2024 12:51 am

House Kishida of the Shosuro
Defense: 24
Influence: 23
Lands: 20
Law: 23
Population: 20
Power: 24
Wealth: 21

Madness (-1 def, -3 inf, -5 land, -2 law, +3 pop, +2 pow, +0 wealth)
Decline (-5 def, -5 inf, -6 land, -1 pop, -2 pow, -3 wealth)
Ascent (+3 inf, +1 land, +5 pow, +3 wealth)
Treachery (-6 inf, -1 law, -1 pow)
Invasion/Revolt (-6 law, -5 pop, -1 pow, -4 wealth)
Glory (+4 def, +3 inf, +4 law, +5 power)
Infrastructure (+3 lands, +6 Influence)

Unknown to most even in the Shosuro family, the Kishida family began as an experiment of Shosuro’s. When Shosuro learned that she would need to follow Shinsei into the Shadowlands, she had trouble deciding what to do with the shadow her mortal form cast. She simply could not let it perish with her, if that was to be her fate. Eventually, she unpinned it from that body and breathed a form of life into it. That shadow was the original Kishida.

At first not at all equipped for life as a thinking thing, Shosuro, now in her guise as Soshi, carefully trained Kishida to function and, eventually, to lead. Although the house was unflinchingly loyal to Shosuro, they sometimes have had problems recognizing their connections to wider humanity, and their loyalty to other Shosuro houses has proven tenuous, at best, in one memorable occasion leading to near disaster in a war of shinobi.

Recent years have been kinder, however. They are assiduous cultivators of the Grass, and use the information thus obtained to enrich the family and seize key opportunities. For example, the Kishida believe it was one of their people that informed Cornejo of the perfidy of the Thrane, and thus triggered the expulsion of the gaijin and the Battle of White Stag.

Lord Kishida Atsushi (ill-equipped parent) (Influence 3)
Lady Kishida Manami (loving parent) (Influence 2)

Daughter 1 (Influence 2)
Daughter 2 (Influence 1)

Extended Family
Sister 1 (Influence 2)
Sister 1’s wife (Influence 1) [Influence 1 from here down)
Brother 1
Brother 1’s wife
Brother 2
Brother 2’s wife
Sister 2
Sister 2’s husband
Sister 1’s 1st son
Sister 1’s 2nd son
Sister 1’s 1st daughter, deceased
Sister 1’s 2nd daughter, deceased
Sister 1’s 3rd daughter
Brother 1’s 1st son, deceased
Brother 1’s 2nd son
Brother 1’s 1st daughter, deceased
Brother 1’s 2nd daughter
Brother 1’s 3rd son
Brother 2’s 1st son
Brother 2’s 2nd son, deceased
Brother 2’s 3rd son
Brother 2’s 4th son
Sister 2’s 1st son, deceased
Sister 2’s daughter, deceased
Sister 2’s 2nd son
Sister 2’s 3rd son.
GM * Man of Angles * Sionnach * Scealai * Hamanri's Vessel

A light wind swept over the corn, and all nature laughed in the sunshine.---Anne Bronte

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Re: Other Houses, Other Clans

Post by Cearnach » Sat Apr 06, 2024 12:51 am

House Kimura of the Shosuro
Defense: 22
Influence: 14
Lands: 11
Law: 20
Population: 23
Power: 29
Wealth: 10
Victory (+5 def, +1 inf, +3 pow)
Glory (+6 def, +3 inf, +4 law, +1 pow)
Favor (+1 Inf, +2 lands, +2 law, +5 pow)
Scandal (-5 inf, -5 land, -2 pow)
Treachery (-4 inf, -4 law, -3 pow)
Doom (-8 def, -8 inf, -7 land, -7 law, -7 pop, -4 pow, -9 wealth)
Madness (-3 def, -2 inf, -3 land, -2 law, +0 pop, +3 pow, -3 wealth)
Infrastructure (+1 law, +4 influence)

The Kimura family was incorporated into the Scorpion clan with numerous concessions as to their autonomy after their Lady outwitted Lord Bayushi in a game (popularly thought to be go, but possibly an early ningen game, now lost to history). Her people were instrumental to the Scorpion’s survival against the armies of Fu Leng during the Battle of Otosan Uchi. But their success and the favor shown to them proved their unmaking, because successive Scorpion Champions and Shosuro daimyo were able to use favors and gifts to bind them ever closer to the authorities, dispensing of their traditional privileges.

Then came the Gozoku, and it was too late. Bound by promises and personal honor, the Lord Kimura of that era became a creature of Bayushi Atsuki, and shared his fate when the conspiracy was undone by Hantei Yugozohime.

The last few years have featured a period of rebuilding for the Kimura. Nearly broken for several generations by their loyalty to their lords, they have begun focusing on their own needs and assiduously winnowing their former privileges away from Lord Shosuro and Lady Bayushi. They have a long way to go to reach their former glory, but at least they have started down the path.

Lord Kimura Eisuke (Influence 2) (Loving parent)
Lady Kimura Shoko (Influence 1) (ill-equipped parent)

Son (Influence 1)

Extended Family (Influence 1)
Brother 1, deceased
Sister’s husband
Brother 2, deceased
Brother 3
Brother 3’s wife
Sister’s 1st daughter
Sister’s son
Sister’s 2nd daughter
Sister’s 3rd daughter, deceased
Brother 3’s daughter, deceased
Brother 3’s son, deceased
GM * Man of Angles * Sionnach * Scealai * Hamanri's Vessel

A light wind swept over the corn, and all nature laughed in the sunshine.---Anne Bronte

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Re: Other Houses, Other Clans

Post by Cearnach » Sat Apr 06, 2024 12:52 am

House Sakurai of the Yogo
Defense: 18
Influence: 29
Lands: 22
Law: 35
Population: 30
Power: 32
Wealth: 26

Glory (+2 def, +3 inf, +1 law, +3 pow)

The Sakurai family was formed as a large and prosperous branch of the main Yogo line was granted cadet status last year in recognition of an exquisite flower arrangement executed by Lady Tsugumi in preparation for Winter Court at Kyuden Bayushi a few years back. The flower arrangement was made the centerpiece of the court, and featured prominently as a metaphor in a speech made by the Empress. The Sakurai have since tried to cultivate their own connections separate from the unstable court of Lord Yogo, with modest success among houses of the Crane and Crab clans. Their future looks bright.

Lady Sakurai Tsugumi (loving parent) (Influence 3)
Lord Sakurai Yuichi (loving parent) (Influence 2)

Son (Influence 2)
Daughter 1 (Influence 1)
Daughter 2 (Influence 1)

Extended Family
Brother 1 (Influence 2)
Brother 1’s wife (Influence 1) [Influence 1 from here down]
Brother 2
Brother 2’s wife
Brother 3, deceased
Sister 1
Sister 1’s husband
Sister 2, deceased
Brother 1’s 1st son
Brother 1’s 1st daughter
Brother 1’s 2nd son
Brother 1’s 3rd son, deceased
Brother 1’s 2nd daughter
Brother 2’s 1st son, deceased
Brother 2’s 2nd son
Brother 2’s 3rd son
Brother 2’s 4th son
Sister 2’s son
GM * Man of Angles * Sionnach * Scealai * Hamanri's Vessel

A light wind swept over the corn, and all nature laughed in the sunshine.---Anne Bronte

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Re: Other Houses, Other Clans

Post by Cearnach » Sat Apr 06, 2024 12:52 am

House Yamanoi of the Yogo
Defense: 9
Influence: 10
Lands: 16
Law: 22
Population: 18
Power: 17
Wealth: 10

Scandal (-2 inf, -6 land, -4 pow)
Madness (-1 def, +0 inf, +0 land, -1 law, +1 pop, +1 pow, -3 wealth)
Defeat (-3 def, -5 inf, -1 land, -2 pop, -3 pow, -6 wealth)
Scandal (-1 inf, -2 land, -4 pow)
Catastrophe (-6 law, -2 pop, -1 pow, -5 wealth)
Infrastructure (+5 Law, +3 power)
Scandal (-3 inf, -1 land, -4 pow)

The Yamanoi are attested from before the arrival of the kami. They came to power on what are now the Plains of Thunder due to a strange set of circumstances in which the head of a tribe was forced to give over hegemony over a pair of villages due to a scandal involving an elopement and a botched attempt to forcibly repatriate his daughter that was costly in lives and materiel.

Perhaps as a result of these inauspicious beginnings, the Yamanoi have found it challenging to prosper. Famous mistakes and peccadilloes have dogged the family throughout their history, including a half-mad lord’s decision to marry wholesale into the Yogo family in order to avoid continuing to pay taxes to the then-Lord Shosuro because of a personal dispute, then losing almost all his wealth and influence in the ensuing war. The family was a serious contributor to the Gozoku, was denounced by both the Four Temples and the Order of Bishamon, and though they were able to recover somewhat from the ensuing peasant rebellions through repression, they have seen no return of their previous influence. Indeed, the desperation of Lady Ryoko has led her to make unconventional speculative investments in shady merchant operations, some of which have come to light to the cost of her standing among her retainers. As every chance taken seems to lead further and further from redemption, the stakes grow larger and the chances taken more desperate. Who knows what the Yamanoi will do next to restore their fortunes?

Lady Yamanoi Ryoko (Ill-equipped parent) (Influence 1)
Lord Yamanoi Masaru (loving parent)

Son 1, deceased
Son 2

Extended Family
Sister, deceased
GM * Man of Angles * Sionnach * Scealai * Hamanri's Vessel

A light wind swept over the corn, and all nature laughed in the sunshine.---Anne Bronte

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Other Houses, Other Clans

Post by Cearnach » Sat Apr 06, 2024 2:01 am

Unstatted Crab Houses
1) Hara of the Hida: Hara Setsuko, master poet, hails from this house.
2) Higashiyama of the Yasuki: The Yasuki Minister of Internal Security hails from this house.
3) Nagao of the Kaiu: Toshinosuke, a candidate for marriage in 486, hails from this house.
4) Sanzaemon of the Hiruma: The house thought wiped out by the Shadowlands and wise lands were inherited by the Kishida, but whose last heir is hiding in their hinterlands, building support against the house that murdered her family.
5) Sugimura of the Hiruma: Haruko, gunso of scouts, hails from this house.
6) Tamanaha of the Kuni–an ancient house that used innuendo to besmirch and ruin the Tsumura family in order to maintain their position. Shamed by the Tsumura when the Tsumura saved the Tamanaha castle from an attack by oni.
7) Tono of the Kuni: The shugenja Tono Eijiro hails from this house.

Unstatted Crane Houses
1) Egawa of the Doji--1st cousins of the main branch of the Doji, Egawa Ureo, a diplomat, is eligible for marriage in 486
2) Hiraoka of the Daidoji–the former lords of the Isa family of the Daidoji, the Isa were thought to have wiped them out after objecting to their persecution of Shinseist monks during the height of the Gozoku crisis. A woman calling herself a daughter of the Hiraoka has recently been appearing at courts.
3) Iida of the Kakita--Iida Choko, a yoriki to an Emerald Magistrate--is eligible for marriage in 486.
4) Ikehara of the Doji–a house that slew the childless lord of the Nishimura family during the fallout from the Gozoku era. This paved the way for the Maeharas to become full samurai.
5) Katsuragi of the Daidoji--Katsuragi Fumiko, a financial broker, is eligible for marriage in 486.
6) Koike of the Kakita–a house that had a longstanding rivalry with, but now has sworn fealty to the Kitagawa.
7) Saito of the Asahina--Saito Tatsuo, a surgeon and shugenja, is available for marriage in 486
8) Takahashi of the Daidoji–a house that brought a rivalry with the Sato family of the Daidoji to a violent crisis and lost the ensuing conflict, resulting in continuing tensions.
9) Tanaka of the Doji--Tanaka Kinyuo, a Taisa and popular officer, is eligible for marriage in 486

Unstatted Dragon Houses
1)Hasegawa of the Agasha--Hasegawa Gazan and Haegawa Kinzo, a researcher and a junior magistrate, respectively, are eligible for marriage in 486
2)Shinsato of the Agasha–Aggressive neighbors of the Onodera who recently raided them and stole Sadahako’s sandal.
3)Toda of the Mirumoto--Toda Yoshiko, an estate manager, is eligible for marriage in 486.
4)Tsubouchi of the Mirumoto--Tsubouchi Yoko, an administrator, is eligible for marriage in 486.
5)Tsukioka of the Mirumoto--Tsukioka Yumeji, a Rikugunshokan, is eligible for marriage in 486.

Unstatted Lion Houses
1) Gima of the Ikoma–a house that was completely wiped out by the Kamoshita
2) Mitsui of the Akodo--A Rikugunshokan, Mitsui Koji, is eligible for marriage in 486.
3) Nakata of the Ikoma--Nakata Koh, a diplomat, is eligible for marriage in 486
4) Ogata of the Kitsu–an influential house, closely allied with Kitsu Shintaro, who were dispossessed and evicted from their lands by Hantei Retsuhime so that she could punish Shintaro for an imagined slight. The lands were given to the peasant Kan family, who were raised to samurai status. The Ogata are currently dependents of Kitsu Shintaro.
5) Sazama of the Akodo–Rivals and creditors of House Ishihara
6) Sugawara of the Ikoma--A courtier, Sugawara Michisumi is eligble for marriage in 486.
7) Unami of the Matsu--Unami Kotoha, a bushi, is eligible for marriage in 486.
8) Ushio of the Kitsu--a sensei of the Kitsu shugenja, Ushio Mantaro is eligible for marriage in 486

Unstatted Phoenix Houses
1) Amaya of the Shiba–a former house exposed as traitors to Shiba Higashime by their vassal, Michishita Kenjiro. The Michishita now govern their former territories, while the Amaya endure life as ronin.
2) Gashuin of the Shiba--A popular gunso, Gashuin Tatsuya, is eligible for marriage in 486.
3) Goda of the Shiba–a once-influential house fallen on very hard times because of the displeasure of Daikoku, the Arai, along with two other vassal houses, recently ended their client relationship with them.
4) Kamiki of the Asako--Kimiki Arashi, an estate manager, is eligible for marriage in 486.
5) Kimura of the Isawa--Kimura Takuya, the Governor of Nikesake, is eligible for marriage in 486.
6) Miwa of the Isawa--Miwa Akihiro, a shugenja, is eligible for marriage in 486.
7) Shikishi of the Isawa–A superlatively influential house that split off from the main line of Isawa when their founder destroyed an invading Yobanjin army by persuading a mountain to rise up, walk about 10 kilometers, and sit on them. In more recent years, the Shikishi have supplied a Ruby Champion and have received a high-ranking Otomo into their family. While no member of their family has sat on the Elemental Council, their support has made or broken several Elemental Masters over the years.
8) Tsuchiya of the Isawa–a vassal of the Master of Fire, the Tsuchiya were trying to get out of returning an expensive favor to the Wada family when Isawa Takao stepped in with a rather violent overreaction. The Tsuchiya were horrified by the destruction he caused, and consequently have become less firm supporters of his, though their relationship with the Wada is still strained.
9) Tsukamoto of the Isawa--Tsukamoto Keiko, a shugenja, is eligible for marriage in 486.

Unstatted Scorpion Houses
1) Chiaki of the Bayushi--Chiaki Minoru, an Emerald Magistrate, is eligible for marriage in 486.
2) Irie of the Bayushi--A bushi, Irie Miki is eligible for marriage in 486.
3) Maeda of the Shosuro--Maeda Bibari, a gunso, is eligible for marriage in 486.
4) Minami of the Yogo--Minami Yoshie, the hero Minami Tetsu's younger sister, is eligible for marriage in 486.
5) Shimabukuro of the Soshi–the parent house of the Miura family
6) Takemitsu of the Shosuro--Takemitsu Toru, a scion of a merchant family, is eligible for marriage in 486.
GM * Man of Angles * Sionnach * Scealai * Hamanri's Vessel

A light wind swept over the corn, and all nature laughed in the sunshine.---Anne Bronte

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